Merry Christmas Eve Todays story of the 10 days of New Years - TopicsExpress


Merry Christmas Eve Todays story of the 10 days of New Years is: The cabin fear. 英語の後に日本語文があります。 During a holiday week in Japan, Yuki and I decided to go camping. We bought it would be romantic to drink some champaign and look at the stars outside. When we arrived at the cottage, I was going to start cooking dinner right away, but first I had to go to the bathroom. When I walked into the bathroom I was met with a gigantic spider sitting right next to the toilet on the wall. It had long think and hairy legs and its actual body was the size of a quarter. It wasnt moving, but when I saw its eyes it really freaked me out. Its entire size was about as big as the palm of your hand. I had honestly never seen one so big. I didnt say anything, I just did and about face and got out of the bathroom as fast as I could. I gave Yuki the emergency warning of the Titan spider in the bathroom, but she didnt seem to mind him, as she went to the bathroom. Yuki is really good with spiders. I decided I didnt have to go to the bathroom that bad after all. While I was cooking, I kept checking to make sure the spider hadnt moved. If I knew where it was, I was ok, but if this monster got out of eye sight, I was going to have a panic attack. During the time I was cooking, I asked Yuki to set up the table outside, but the table was old and really hard to make, so she came to get MY help instead, and thats when she opened the door. This time, I thought a bat had flown into the cabin. I was relieved to see that it was just a giant moth. Again just a little bit smaller than the size of my hand. This time YUKI freaked out! When it flew in, it surprised me, but I dont think moths are scary. I was going to use my sweater to try and get the moth to leave the cabin. I slowly approached the moth, got my sweater ready, and 3... 2... 1... Go!! I missed. The huge moth began to start flying around the cabin. Yuki was yelling, while I was laughing and swinging my sweater around to try and get this behemoth to leave. It finally exited. Yuki was standing the the corner panting, I looked at her for a moment as asked, so, you hungry? so we were then sitting outside eating dinner on the poorly built, flimsy table. We were trying to not have another moth invasion, so we decided to eat dinner by flashlight to keep the monster bugs at bay for a moment. After we finished eating, I was going to make a fire. While I was sitting I stared looking for a good fire spot with my flashlight and my beam stopped on 2 big bright rings. They were the eyes of a big raccoon. This scared my because it was a pretty page animal which made my brain not work. My Japanese isnt perfect, so when I tried to warn Yuki about the raccoon, I said a word that sounds very similar in Japanese. I said tornado! It was a little windy that night so Yuki honestly thought there was one coming for a moment. That scared off the raccoon! I finally built the fire, and we started drinking champaign out of some coffee mugs. At last we were having a romantic moment, when out of the cabin next to us we heard someone scream Oh my god! Look at the size of this moth! We laugh pretty hard at that. After this experience, we wanted to go camping more and more, but decided a tent would be a safer option. 恐怖のコテージ!の巻 GWに和歌山県の大島で、前から興味のあったキャンプをすることにしました。夜空の下でロマンチックにシャンペ~~ンを飲むためです^ ^ コテージに着いたのはもう夕方で、早く料理をしたかったけど、その前にトイレに行きたくなりました。トイレに入ると、今までまったく見たことのない大きな大きな蜘蛛がいました。トイレのすぐそばに。蜘蛛の足は長くて太くてモサモサでした。体も10円玉ぐらいありました。動いてなかったけど、蜘蛛の目を見た時、恐怖で体が固まってしまいました。静かに回れ右してトイレから逃げました。由紀に蜘蛛の注意報を教えましたが、由紀は気にせずトイレに行きました。僕はトイレのことを諦めました。由紀は蜘蛛に強い! 僕は蜘蛛の位置を何回も何回も確認しながら料理を始めました。僕が料理をしてる間に由紀は外でテーブルを組み立てていましたが、すごく作りにくかったので僕に手伝ってもらいたくて、ドアを開けました。するとコウモリかと思ったぐらい大きい蛾が入って来ました。今度は由紀が怖がっています。僕はびっくりしたけど、別に怖い訳じゃなかったので、由紀の為にセーターを使って、外に出そうと思いました。蛾にゆっくり近寄りました。セーターを準備して、3…2…1… 行け!ダメでした。蛾はコテージの中を飛び回ります。由紀がもっと怖がっています。由紀は大声を出しながら、僕は笑いながら、蛾を出そうとしてる為にセーターを振り回しました。やっとコテージから出てくれました。部屋の角に立っていた由紀に「じゃ、食べようか?」って聞きました。 僕は蛾に弱い! 外で作りにくかったヘナヘナなテーブルで食べました。蛾が来ないように懐中電灯で食べました。食べ終わってから、火を作ることにしました。座りながら懐中電灯で良さそうな場所を探しました。小さな光ってる丸い玉を2つ見つけました。大きい狸の目でした。僕の日本語はまだ完璧じゃなくて「狸」を僕の耳によく似てる「竜巻だ!」って言ってしまいました。ちょっと風が吹いてましたから、由紀をまたびっくりさせてしまいました。 2人はやっと火の近くで、コーヒーマグカップでシャンペ~~ンを飲みました。やっとロマンチックな時間がきました。 と思ったら隣のコテージから「どデカいが蛾がおるやん!」と、どデカい声が聞こえました。二人はいっぱい笑いました。大変だったのに、これからもいっぱいキャンプに行きたくなりました。すごく面白かったですから。でもやっぱりテントの方が安全ですね。
Posted on: Wed, 24 Dec 2014 00:09:46 +0000

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