Message from Ptaah - July 2014 Radiant Well-Beingness Is a State - TopicsExpress


Message from Ptaah - July 2014 Radiant Well-Beingness Is a State of Balance Q: Today wed like to ask you about health and healing, but before we start asking questions, would you like to say a few words about health? Ptaah: being the state of balance, balance between the physical, mental, and emotional embodiment, so to speak, so that each reflects off the other that which is radiant well-beingness. That is how we would define health. Now what occurs within the humanities, and we would say especially within your society wherein the expectation is that if there is something which is not health and well-being, the expectation is that it may be fixed instantaneously with some kind of potion. And this negates the actuality of the non-health and well-being, which is the imbalance between body, mind, and emotional embodiment. So it would behoove and be so beneficial to the humanities to look at what the beliefs are about health and well-beingness, and conversely about illness. To look at what it is, what creates the illness or lack of well-beingness, and to, in a way, change that from the inside out, in the acknowledgement that everything, in a way, is co-dependent, is interactive, is not separate. That as you recreate the balance--and sometimes that takes a little time in your reality--so that rather than to look simply for a pill or a potion to create instantaneous change, to look at the deeper change so that the actual balance may be restored. And to look at what the gift has been in this place called ill-health, imbalance, illness. You understand? Q: I do. Ptaah: All right. So queries? Q: What you said is something Ive heard you say for many many years and recently Ive had a condition that has returned to me that occurred about 4 or 5 years ago, very drastically. And at the time, 4 or 5 years ago, I surrendered to this illness and said it was okay with to me if I died. I think death has a lot to do with our thoughts of health, and those 5 years ago when I realized it was okay for this body to die, within about an hour, the manifestation of my illness ceased. In the last month it returned and so I knew that I had more to look at and I hear what youve just said, Ptaah, about looking at what has created that illness within our own emotional body. Because I know youve said to me many times that before it is in the physical, it is in the emotional. Is that correct? Ptaah: That is correct. We would say mental and emotional. Q: Mental and emotional. Ptaah: Because it is according to some kind of belief held about the self and then very often projected into the exterior world that creates an emotional reaction which creates the physical manifestation of imbalance. Q: Yeah. Thank you for that clarification. I know from experience that the mental aspect is there just from this recent experience seeing how this particular illness related back to my mental and emotional belief that I was not good enough, that I was not worthy... Ptaah: Indeed. Q: Those things that you have said to us many times that are the basic issues of humanity. Ptaah: Indeed, it is so. And so, beloved, how may you now in this even deeper understanding and knowingness, how may you then step forth into a kind of transformation? Q: Well, you know, its interesting because that condition today has stopped again. And its interesting that you asked that question because the balance comes within. The balance is within. There is no external proof that I am what I am. The proof that I am what I am is the feeling of what I am. So I guess how may I step forth into this new transformation? To me its by being self-observant. By being aware of when I start to believe that I am not good enough in some way. To observe that and decide if thats what I truly want to believe or do I want to make stronger this new belief, which is that I am love and I am one and I am connected to God and All-That-Is. Ptaah: Indeed. You know, all of this is an ongoing flowering, in a way. It is not that there is any place to go. You are already in your perfection. And this also means in the most astounding fashion that each of you truly are in the balance, in the wholeness. in the absolute perfect evolution of the beingness unfolding into Goddess/Godness, into the realization that you already are it, that there is no place to go, there is nothing to fix. Q: Yes. Ptaah: As you go about your day-to-days, and as you kind of re-affirm this connectedness, this absolute pure beingness that you truly are, as you manifest the joy in your worthiness, in your delightedness in this world, so you begin to almost shimmer in the light of this greater reality and the balance is automatic. Q: Yeah. Ptaah: So that the transformation is simply that knowingness and delight in who you are. Q: Yes. Ptaah: To remind yourself, There is nothing to fix. Everything is perfect. Q: So true. That is an important aspect because it was okay with me for me to continue to have this illness, too. In other words, I didnt feel compelled to fix it. Ptaah: Indeed. You see, this is part of the thinking of your society. It is part of the collective consciousness of your society, that it must be fixed. That which is a physical manifestation of dis-easement must be fixed and preferably today, now, or yesterday. Q: Right. Ptaah: So there is a non-allowance there of the perfection of what is and immediately this creates a kind of tension. Q: Yes. Ptaah: A should which is the dichotomy of your beingness, in a way. You see? It is such a fine line, each of you of course desiring physical well-beingness. And it is astounding how the focus changes when the physicality is not in the well-beingness. How the total focus comes to be on the illness. We acknowledge that it is most difficult for you when you are in physical pain to be in the joy of your beingness. And it sounds like a some kind of la-la land, in a way, when we say to you that no matter what is it in the physicality, you are still perfect and there is nothing to fix. So it is to find a balance on the fine lines between the desire to be in well-beingness and the desire to fix what is not seemingly balanced and the knowingness that there is nothing to fix. We love you grandly. Ptaah
Posted on: Mon, 07 Jul 2014 23:35:11 +0000

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