Message from the Sirian High Council “We come to you in great - TopicsExpress


Message from the Sirian High Council “We come to you in great humility this day to speak as far as we can attempt to understand and to answer the questions resounding through the higher realms - and to address whatever fear may be swelling inside you. The voice of humanity calls out to the heavens: ‘where is God’? We hear your implorations: ‘why must there be such suffering in the world’?… These profound questions we wish to elaborate with you as we watch and experience the range of emotions of the human collective. Now there are many messages being spread amongst you in this time of great uncertainty on Planet Earth. As always, we invite you to exercise discernment. There are seers, politicians, messengers of every nationality and voice… channels such as ours. Some are the voices of truth, some are false prophets, some speak with hidden agendas, some accuse, some deny - it is up to you to wade through all of the noise and clutter to find what resonates with you and that is what you will embrace and reverberate back out into the ethers as the truth you perceive in this hour… truth that will bend and take new form, perhaps, as your understanding and awareness in these days grow and become more crystalline. So great is the expression of Gaia’s explosive rebellion that we dare say there is not a being in your world who has not been affected in some way, to some degree, by the new that is born from this moment. All have been presented with the ‘cruel’ realization that the material world as it is known to you can be washed away in an instant… and nothing is permanent. Nothing, not even the density of those great concrete walls and steel foundations, can stand against the unleashed fury of nature. You are being given the ultimate opportunity to dissolve your collective illusions… and you are witness to the manifestation of those illusions evaporating before your incredulous eyes. They are being washed away in the waters of Gaian emotion. What emerges from this epic catastrophe is a rapidly evolving universal dialogue in your realm that has finally recognized the conscious will of Gaia and the relationship of the living beings of the planet to the emotional and spiritual body of the planet herself. In the wake of this enormous disaster, in which you are actually witness to the lands of the earth being reshaped and redefined, the mass mind of humankind is awakening to how all the living are inextricably dependent upon the balanced energies of the Earth. The next phase, inevitably, will bring more human beings to the understanding of how that balance is utterly determined by the thoughts and actions of the All. We observe with reverence how this tragedy is triggering you into higher states of conscious existence as caretakers of Planet Earth. As you reeled from the terrifying images of the destructive unleashing of Gaia’s emotions, you could not but feel powerless before the goddess. You held your heads in your hands, filled with compassion for the suffering and a growing sense of dread - for you realized from this cataclysm that your great planet is finally rebelling. She is refining, remodeling, releasing in preparation for her passage and you know this deep within the soul. You fear it on some levels, you celebrate it on others but you do know it… you always have. Although you still may not completely remembered why… you came here to take part in Gaia’s revolution. You came here to serve and you are soon to know your role in the unfolding. Today, as you observe with what swiftness and solidarity the international relief effort has moved into action, you are aglow with the wonder of how humanity always rises to the call of the needy and as the shock of these difficult days wears off you begin to see beauty even in tragedy. You are reminded of the greatness of simply being human, stripped of pretense, stripped of religions, nations, status… you are reminded of what you are capable of in the most desperate hours of human trial and despair. Where is God? God is within you God is the light of love that shines from every cell of your body The heart, a hand, the word God is the reaching out The utter compassion The selfless savior The strength to renew, rebuild, restore The Light Why must there be suffering? This is far more complex. Perhaps it is because through darkness we are reminded of our godliness We seek to find the light; we are challenged to move beyond obstruction To find our way out of the cold dark chasm and into the warmth of the Sun To move beyond the blackness of stagnation and into the shimmering brilliance of progress We believe it is our own Creation - our reflection. What of the innocent? What of the children? We believe we are all innocent, all children of the universe Trying to find our way out of the chaos Moving back to Source Some of the children are far more ancient than you Perhaps they have come to touch you ever more deeply For you are always moved by the innocence of the young These are thoughts that trouble us For we wish for you lives of joy and celebration We wish love and comfort for all the living of your realm… for the children And yet, we too have passed through pain to reach this place We know it as the soul’s progression Each must move through suffering to know bliss. We do not purport to have the answers to the riddle of creation. But we can tell you this. There where these souls have passed-far higher ground -so will you. There is light There is forgiveness And eternal Love abounds. The Light will Prevail. The Light Always Does.
Posted on: Fri, 09 Aug 2013 14:32:22 +0000

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