Mexican leaders are ticked at Rick Perry for sending the National - TopicsExpress


Mexican leaders are ticked at Rick Perry for sending the National Guard to the border. GOOD. Theyre corrupt and a huge part of the problem. Rick Perry has our FULL support for defying Mexico and stopping this invasion. Mexico plays a significant role in our current border crisis, whether they want to admit it or not. They have relaxed some of their stringent immigration laws, allowing Central Americans to transit their country on the way to our border, something they didn’t use to allow. Their corrupt government has allowed the cartels free reign along the border region, and equally corrupt Mexican military units are even helping the cartels, providing covering fire from Mexico’s side of the border to keep the Border Patrol from interdicting the cartel’s smuggling operations. Neither Mexico, or our own federal government, are doing anything to stem the flood of illegal immigrants and criminals invading our southern border, and Texas Governor Rick Perry has decided not to wait for President Obama and the feds to secure the border anymore. Perry is deploying up to 1,000 National Guard troops to help defend vital areas along the Texas border. Apparently Mexico isn’t particularly thrilled with Governor Perry’s moves to secure the border though, as they have released a statement highly critical of the Governor’s plan to deploy the National Guard to the border region, according to Western Journalism. Some members of the Mexican government have been publicly ridiculing Perry, saying his proposal for securing the border shows just how uncaring he is to the illegal immigrants crossing over from Mexico. “Attention to the immigration phenomenon must be paid from a long-term regional perspective and based on the principles of good neighborliness and shared responsibility,” read a statement from the Mexican Foreign Relations Secretariat. The statement went on to declare that the US should keep in mind the “necessary shared responsibility among the countries of origin, transit and destination of migration flows.” The statement continued by bashing the US for supposed mistreatment of illegal immigrants, ignoring the vast amounts of taxpayer funding that is going towards caring for them, or the fact that the most danger these illegals faced was during their journey through Mexico under the “care” of cartel criminals and corrupt government officials. Mexico should be careful making inflammatory statements, especially about perceived mistreatment of detainees or prisoners, while they are still holding Marine Sgt. Andrew Tahmooressi on trumped up gun charges. There is a growing resentment in America towards Mexico, for still holding our Marine, and for allowing these tens, if not hundreds of thousands of illegal migrants to traverse through their country on the way to ours. This resentment is evidenced by the rapidly growing movement of people supporting a boycott against Mexico. Mexico may want to make sure that they have all of their own ducks in a row, before they go pointing fingers and calling the US out for anything that they themselves are guilty of. Please share this on Facebook and Twitter if you could care less that Mexico is “upset” that Texas is working to secure their common border. conservativetribune/mexico-upset-about-national-guard-border/
Posted on: Tue, 29 Jul 2014 18:23:24 +0000

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