Michael Magic The sun is out and the birds r chirping. Got my head - TopicsExpress


Michael Magic The sun is out and the birds r chirping. Got my head phones on going to win us money for musical instruments and vacation to Disneyland in calfornia going to go for a walk with Mishka after I feed him. Got my yellow clown shoes on and lil red riding hood jacket . Off to the woods we go and then to the groomers. I await your return m lord John MAGIC . Thank u for giving birth to such a gentleman Linda Magic-Brooks and for shaping his mind Karen Frank and making him laugh Kathy Frank Farmer and busha just being busha and there for you Mary Frank and papa FRANK - FARTER . ..... Thank you Father. Thank you my savier. Thank you my lord..... #you#know#who#you#are#and#if#you#do#not#pocess#this#knowledge#IFORGIVEYOU Bethann Bubba Marchionna Sonja Szachta papa David Ivan Tatarly я люблю тебя очень сильно и думаю о тебе всегда. Спасибо ПАПОЧКА ЧТО ТЫ МЕНЯ СТОРАЛСЯ СПАСТИ. * I am safe now and in dogs hands* НА АУЛИЦЫ СОБАЧКИ ГАВКАУТ........ БОЖЕ МОЙ КАК Я СКУЧАЮ ПО ТЕБЕ. УВИДИМСЯ ЛЕТОМ ???? Thank you father, baby Jesus in his tiny lil crib , my geenie savier, and my buballiciois lord warrior and my king....... The only man I bow down to. Hallelujah!AMEN! MAZEL TOV! CHEERS ! НА ЗДОРОВЬЕ! *shots od wine and thin crust pizza for all with tuna and pickle on top drizzled with ranch and hot sauce #cuzima#veggyqueeriousss( I think some other famous guy was one too) Hmmmmmm ....... Verrrie varrry interesting. Quick shoutout out to Garrett Koltinak keep on dancing Emily Koltuniak forgive yourself @jessechoop know what you want and believe in urself @devonwatts thank you for my flowers @natecrow ur a dapper fox and deserve the best. Im a beliebever. Ur true love is very close. She acts mysteriously but is fragile like bird. @katieglass my lil birdie. Saved the best for last. Youre an inspiration. Oh and @genavive @ericsmith(both of them) my bro and sis . Johnson michael an @christinnacossico with the the lil retro baby roonie .
Posted on: Tue, 20 May 2014 19:22:07 +0000

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