Michael Pigram- This is something that I posted earlier this - TopicsExpress


Michael Pigram- This is something that I posted earlier this year........... Thomas said He cannot have god as his father who does not have the church as his mother. And Brother Germaine replied The Cathars rejected the church looking for salvation in their own dark souls. What would become of the church if we all did that? If we all pursued our own whims? If god is within us then we need no church and no Holy Father (Pope) to lead us to His mercy, and that notion is the most pernicious of heresies This is a quote from a book called Harlequin set in the 14th century during the 100 year war. It seems like nothing is really new under the sun! At least in this age we dont get burned at the stake for being Heretics The idea that God is in us all and that we only have to look within to find the kingdom of heaven has been around for 2000 years. The big difference about the change in our attitude about our salvation now compared to then is that the Crown and the Church are no longer dictating what is and isnt appropriate for us. No longer do we have to fear the Dominican priests that will torture you with hot irons in the name of Christ, just so they can later burn you for confessing your sins as a Heretic! Now that we have freedom and liberties, we can believe what we want with the the worst that can happen is you will be unfriended, called a Gypsy, or backsliden etc. Now with this freedom we are starting to see Love take root in society, The church is now the one that fears the Heretic because as more and more people step away from them and take their salvation into their own hands for the first time, they relies that they are losing their power and grip over society! In 1945 a pile of old manuscripts were found in Egypt and amongst them was the Gospel of Thomas. Which unlike the 4 canonized Gospel wasnt a narrative of Jesus life but it was a collection of sayings attributed to Jesus. This was rejected by Bishop Eusebius as not being authentic because it contained sayings that were completely at odds with what the church teaches. Here are some of the saying attributed to Jesus in the Gospel of Thomas...... 1. Saying 108, Jesus says, Whoever drinks from my mouth will become as I am; I myself shall become that person, and the hidden things will be revealed to him. 2. Saying 70, Jesus says, If you bring forth what is within you, what you bring forth will save you. If you do not bring forth what is within you, what you do not bring forth will destroy you. 3. Saying 3, Jesus says, The Kingdom of God is inside of you, and it is outside of you. When you come to know yourselves, then you will become known, and you will realize that it is you who are the sons of the living Father. But if you will not know yourselves, you dwell in poverty, and it is you who are that poverty Now here as some quotes from smarter people than me who have read the whole thing........ As such, this form of salvation is idiosyncratic and without literal explanation unless read from a psychological perspective related to Self vs. ego The teaching of salvation (i.e., entering the Kingdom of Heaven) that is found in The Gospel of Thomas is neither that of works nor of grace Furthermore, salvation is personal and found through spiritual (psychological) introspection. You can see why the modern church has rejected this manuscript, The more that I read from it the more I can see the same words being spoken and written all over Facebook...........Maybe now is the time that the real truth about Jesus, salvation and heaven will be revealed to the masses. Maybe its time that love(genuine love) flowed through the world again! 2000 years of man twisting things to suit himself is long enough. Listen to the spirit within and you will know truth/love.......Trust yourself, throw away the crutch that is organized religion and learn to walk again! You can do this, everything that you need is inside you just listen and feel and all will be revealed to you!
Posted on: Thu, 09 Oct 2014 03:08:56 +0000

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