Migraine Headaches Part I Migraine headaches are generally severe - TopicsExpress


Migraine Headaches Part I Migraine headaches are generally severe and typically affect one side of the head. Nausea, vomiting, visual issues, and pain are the typical symptoms that sufferers find debilitating to everyday life. Some have been dealing with migraines since they were children. Light or sound can be extremely disturbing. Laying down may even make the sufferer feel worse. Many who suffer with migraines may also experience depression, anxiety, bi-polar, insomnia, Fibromyalgia, carbohydrate cravings, overweight and/or chronic fatigue where they often grab for caffeine or caffeine beverages for energy. Why do migraines happen? What triggers the migraine and how can I limit the frequency of them or prevent them or avoid the triggers that produce them? Most turn to medications to get the migraines under control as well as meds for the anxiety or depression or other challenges that also generate these headaches. Is there a relationship? In most cases, the answer is yes. The good news is that certain naturally-oriented strategies can be very effective in reducing the frequency and/or severity of attacks. Let’s start by looking at possible triggers. 1. Hypoglycemia: Did you know the number one trigger is Low Blood Sugar or hypoglycemia. In most cases stabilizing blood sugar solves the problem. That is done by adjusting diet. Eating Low Glycemic and eating at intervals that target fluctuations of blood sugar; that is “spiking” followed by “crashing” sugar levels. Using a Lifestyle & Weight Management Coach for a few weeks will help you correct these issues. Diets don’t work but Lifestyle changes do. 2. Food Triggers: Cheese, chocolate, coffee and red wine are only a few triggers for Migraines but did you know that the number one Food Trigger is wheat followed by MSG (Monosodium Glutamate)! Eliminate them from your diet for 4 to 6 weeks and then test only one item at a time and see how you respond. Wheat isn’t a health food anyway and in my opinion shouldn’t be eaten. Eating real food rather than processed foods is essential. Evaluate the fast food and amounts of processed foods you eat in a day. Most contain triggers for migraines. Again, lifestyle changes must occur to get food triggers out of the mix. 3. Brain chemistry or Neurotransmitter imbalances: Specifically serotonin and norepinephrine are the two main neurotransmitters used in the brain to control the size of blood vessels as well as other functions. Did you know that allergic reactions, inflammation, poor absorption of nutrients into the brain, poor metabolism of nutrients in the brain, chemicals that deplete them, excessive depletion (over usage) lowering them or because there are not enough nutrients in the brain to produce more. Congestive bowel toxicity and intestinal dysbiosis (healthy bacteria imbalance) play a major role in producing toxins. Interestingly enough migraines, depression, and insomnia have similar mechanisms and pathways, all resulting from a loss of serotonin and norepinephrine. Addressing this with appropriate diet and supplementation to restore nutrients that help replenish the missing neurotransmitters naturally through a proper protocol is necessary. 4. Nutritional deficiencies: Mineral and Vitamin deficiencies are rampant in our culture. That stats on deficiencies is staggering. If you think your food has the nutrients that you need… look at the data: Many Americans (as many as 75%) do not obtain the RDA of a variety of micronutrients from their diet, using the RDIs as a standard, based on NHANES data like magnesium, potassium, vitamin D, B12, Folic Acid, B6 and the list goes on and on! Soils are deficient which mean foods are deficient. Foods are stripped of nutrients and processed with preservatives and other toxins. What are you missing? Evaluate your food and supplementation. Medications do not replace nutrients. You may need them while you address deficiencies. So what do I need to do? Stay tuned… Part II Friday. Inbox me if you need a Lifestyle Coach to help you and want some recommendations as to what works best based on your situation.
Posted on: Wed, 24 Jul 2013 20:56:51 +0000

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