Mija had an ok day today. She started the day with breathing - TopicsExpress


Mija had an ok day today. She started the day with breathing exercises from the Lee Silverman program. The therapist tried to get Mija to breathe in and out deeply. The therapist asked that music be played since Mija relates well to music. She massaged the muscles in her cheeks to help relax her mouth and chin. Mija did not make sounds but did snap her fingers to the music. At the end of the session, Mija took a deep breath and mouthed some words. PT/OT worked together today. They put Mija sitting on the mat to stretch her forward and both sides of her body. They had her lean on her elbows for balance on both sides. She did well. Mija laid back on the mat and was given a long bar to hold. The therapists assisted her in doing 10 sit-ups. She twisted from side to side while holding the bar. The therapists had her bend over, reach for her shoelace and try to untie her shoelace. With minimal assist Mija was able to pull the shoelace and untie her shoelace 3 times. Again, at the end of the session Mija mouthed some words. She just needs a little more breath support to be heard. Mija saw Dr. Bashar, a cornea specialist and Dr. Sokol, an ophthalmologist in the afternoon. It was determined that she has a corneal ulcer. The stitch that had been put in her left eye Tuesday had broken. This time he stitched it shut to help protect the cornea. She went to bed early tonight as it has been a very busy day. Thanks for all of the continued prayers and good vibes/karma and please keep them coming!
Posted on: Fri, 08 Aug 2014 03:04:40 +0000

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