Mike Bamiloye > Mt.Zion Institute Alumni Fellowship (MZIAF) 2 DAYS - TopicsExpress


Mike Bamiloye > Mt.Zion Institute Alumni Fellowship (MZIAF) 2 DAYS TO 2015: DRAMA MINISTERS YEAR OF GREAT THINGS (2 Days to Commencement of Drama Ministers 40 Days Prayers and Fasting) January 1 - February 9, 2015 Isaiah 43:18-19 NKJV [18] Do not remember the former things, Nor consider the things of old. [19] Behold, I will do a new thing, Now it shall spring forth; Shall you not know it? I will even make a road in the wilderness And rivers in the desert. Jeremiah 33:3, 26 NKJV Call to Me, and I will answer you, and show you great and mighty things, which you do not know. I am excited about 2015. I am excited because the Lord has spoken about the year to me. I am expectant of the year, because The Lord has shown us the beautiful pictures of what the year contains. When the Lord spoke to us about this present year 2014 that is winding up, He said, it shall be a Year of Open Door to us in Mount Zion Faith Ministries and to all other drama ministers who believe and key into the covenant. And we came into December and look back to behold an array of Gods wonders in our lives and ministry in addition to several other testimonies from many drama ministers who key into the covenant of The Word given to us all. Few days ago, a drama minister sent me this testimony of what the Lord did during 2014: the Year of Open Door: Sir, Compliments of the season. I shut myself indoor to get the fulfillment of the Word for Drama Ministers for 2014: Year Of Open Doors. I came out to be prayed for during the Drama Ministers Power Nite (I was among those trusting God for Overseas Mission). I thank God for opening the door to go to United States. I arrived the United States on November 22.... I watched the December Drama Ministers Power Night via U-Stream and got the picture but there was no sound.... I am waiting on God on the last three days of the year (2014) to pray & plan for the fulfillment of 2015 Word for Drama Ministers: Year Of Great Thing. This is just one of the several testimonies of the great doings of the Lord in this year: Year of the Open Door. Evang. Segun Badejo, on his facebook page said: 2014 year is the best year ever in the Gideons Mission. I implore everyone to participate. We will surely breakforth in Jesus name. I am so much expecting what the Lord will do in 2015: The Year of Great Things During our preparatory Fasting and Prayers here in Mount Zion, the Lord has began to give us some informations from the Word of God about the coming year. And He said whatever He is telling us, is what He would do in Drama Ministry and for many other drama ministers who dare to believe His Word for 2015. According to the Pilot Verses He gave to us in Isaiah 43:18-19 and Jeremiah 33:3, He said: 2015, is going to be Year of GREAT THINGS FOR DRAMA MINISTERS. He said: 2015, shall be Year when a New Thing will Spring Forth in your life and Drama Ministry. In 2015, He will make a Way for You in the Wilderness, He will show you directions in the midst of Confusions. He will give you light in the midst of Darkened situations. In 2015, He will provide Rivers for you in the Desert. He will give your ministry source of refreshement and comfort in the midst of dryness around. In 2015, if you create an habit of Crying upon Him in prayers and Worship, He will answer you and Show you Great and Mighty Things, which you have not known before. 2015 is the Year of those who will be STRONG IN FAITH 2015 is the Year of those who will be STEDFAST IN VISION AND MINISTRY FOCUS 2015 IS THE YEAR THE RELEVANCE AND IMPACTS OF DRAMA MINISTERS WILL BE HIGHER AND GREATER THAN THAT OF THE NOLLYWOOD ARTISTES. *2015 IS THE YEAR DRAMA MINISTERS WILL EMBARK AND ACHIEVE GREAT THINGS. *IN 2015, MORE CHRISTIAN MOVIES WILL INVADE OUR TELEVISION CHANNELS. *IN 2015, MORE CHRISTIAN MOVIES WILL COME OUT IN TRIBES AND TONGUES. *2015 IS THE YEAR WE SHALL SEE SOME CROSS-OVERS OF NOLLYWOOD ACTORS AND ACTRESSES INTO CHRISTIAN MOVIE PRODUCTIONS. *24 HOURS CHRISTIAN MOVIE CHANNELS ARE COMING THAT WILL RENDER AFRICA-MAGIC ON DSTV A MERE PUPPET SHOW. *THE FIRST SHALL BECOME LAST AS THE LAST BECOME FIRST, WHEN MOVIE ICONS AND SUPER-STAR CELEBRITIES SHALL BEGIN TO ARISE FROM THE VINEYARD OF GOSPEL DRAMA AND MOVIES. *CHRISTIAN MOVIE PRODUCTIONS AND BUSINESSES SHALL THRIVE AS SECULAR MOVIE PRODUCTIONS AND BUSINESSES DWINDLE. *IT SHALL BE WELL WITH FAITHFUL DRAMA MINISTERS. *THEIR CHILDREN SHALL EXCEL IN FACETS *THEY SHALL BUILD HOUSES FOR FILM LOCATIONS. *THEY SHALL BUY CARS FOR FILM PROPS. *THEY SHALL THRIVE IN THEIR BUSINESSES AND MINISTRY. *THEY SHALL EXCEL IN THE CAREERS AND ACADEMICS. *THEY SHALL DO WELL IN THEIR PROFESSIONAL EXAMS. *DRAMA MINISTERS SHALL ARISE AMONG DOCTORS, ARCHITECTS, SURGEONS, ENGINEERS, LAWYERS, MEDICAL CONSULTANTS, MILITARY PERSONELS AND SCEIENTISTS. *DRAMA MINISTRATIONS SHALL HOLD IN STATE HOUSES UPON SPECIAL INVITATIONS. GREAT! GREAT!! GREAT THINGS!!!!!! THESE ARE WHAT HE SAID ABOUT 2015, TO US HIS DRAMA MINISTERS. So shall it be. Selah. MIKE BAMILOYE
Posted on: Tue, 30 Dec 2014 19:25:14 +0000

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