Military and Police Indonesian strict supervision of Action - TopicsExpress


Military and Police Indonesian strict supervision of Action demonstration peaceful of West Papua National Committee and arrested 3 activists of KNPB Kaimana Info Papua October 16, 2013 , West Papua National Committee ( KNPB ) back again conduct peaceful demonstrations . Action Demonstration held to commemorate the anniversary IPWP to 5 . And at the same time thanked the Vanuatu government for raising the case of West Papua on the UN General Assembly in Setember 2013. In Bovendigul , which facilitates Bovendigul KNPB birthday celebration IPWP threatened , terrorized by the Indonesian police . Indonesian police there announced through local radio in Bovendigul uintuk people should not follow the KNPB action . Police confiscated a camera used to take a picture KNPB . Police forces blockade and forced the demonstrators to disperse . Police did not give permission to take action KNPB Bovendigul demonstrations . In Biak, police banned rallies KNPB Biak peace then KNPB Biak do IPWP Birthday celebrations in the Hall in the form of Custom Sorido Thanks giving Prayer . Police forces a watchful eye on the celebration event . In Nabire, Although police ban and blockade but KNPB Nabire commitment to take action on peaceful demonstration to celebrate the birthday of IPWP under strict supervision and maintenance. In Kaimana, Police banned peaceful demonstrations KNPB action, then KNPB Kaimana just do IPWP Birthday celebration in the form of worship. But the police came to arrest 3 people Kaimana KNPB activists among others Barias Bary, Luter Soba and Isay Irini. Door of the home office and the home of chief PRD Kaimana destroyed by the police. In Timika , police Despite ban and blockade but thousands of people who joined in KNPB holding a rally on the field Jayanti , Timika . In Merauke , police conducted surveillance sweping and tight to the people who want to attend a birthday celebration in the office IPWP KNPB Merauke . Police blocked roads and repatriate the people who were going to follow the celebration eventof IPWP. Jayapura - To celebrate and welcome the results of the Prime Minister s speech at the UN Assembly Vanuatu some time ago , the West Papua National Committee ( KNPB ) will hold a peaceful demonstration in the form of interactive and worship at the tomb Alm . Theys Hiyo Eluay , Sentani , Jayapura regency , Wednesday ( 16/10 ) next week . Thus KNPB spokesman , Wim accompanied by Chairman Rocky Medlama I KNPB Kossay Agus and two members of the KNPB Tony Kobak and OTK Tabuni when the press conference held at Café Prima Garden Abepura , Friday ( 11/10 ) yesterday afternoon around 11:00 CEST . It is said , in fact IPWP anniversary falls on October 15 , but due to coincide Eid al-Adha by the Muslims, it will go down KNPB demo or the next day on 16 October. We conduct interactive demonstrations and peaceful in the form of worship and political stage on October 16 at the tomb of Theys it . So we appeal to the people of Papua from Sorong to Samarai to descend conduct a peaceful demonstration to commemorate the 5th anniversary IPWP and results Vanuatu PM s speech at the UN Assembly , himbaunya . In the action plan starts from a point in the City / County of Jayapura it , it will mark the 5th anniversary of IPWP at once will announce the results of the annual session of the UN about human rights violations in Papua , as has been conveyed AM Vanuatu Moana Kalosil in late mid- September. We want to convey to both provincial and central government as well as in the military / police who commit sedition , intimidation and subsequent to both organic and non- organic in all the villages in the West Papua . Where , we get a report from some areas such as the addition of troops Kaimana , Nabire , Paniai , Timika , Wamena and Merauke , he added . It is said , in some of these areas do not know the motives of military personnel who adds good forces in the villages or villages on the land of West Papua . Therefore , we ask the military to immediately stop the intimidation that is being built to scare the people of West Papua creeping or when we will be doing down the road later on , he pleaded . In addition , we also ask the police in this case the Papua Police to not hinder people of West Papua who want to openly express their aspirations in accordance with the law regulations in the country of Indonesia , he said . He said that Indonesia is a democracy in West Papua and why not open the democratic space for the people of West Papua aspirations in writing or orally in front of the public. Where , we just saw in West Papua only silencing , blockades and arrests against the people of West Papua . Thus , we affirm the action this time in order not to dihalagi again because we just do it free speech , he said . Thus, to the government in this Police Chief of Papua, Papua and Papua Governor Commander in order to open up the democratic space as possible to the people of West Papua to the aspirations , Wim said in a hard tone . He also emphasized that this is part of the psychological played by the Indonesian security forces , but this part of democracy that will be done by the people of West Papua . Just to let you know that in this action as penanggungjawabnya is PNWP . It was very clear PNWP chaired by Buchtar Tabuni being responsible on the field , he said . Meanwhile the same place , I KNPB Chairman Agus Kossay thank Vanuatu Moana PM Kalosil who has delivered his speech in the Annual Session of the United Nations . Where , this would make the UN immediately sent an investigative team to West Papua in order to observe directly the problem cases of West Papuan political and human rights violations on the land of West Papua . So , we are very grateful to the Prime Minister of Vanuatu who have good intentions to bring the problems of West Papua in the annual session of the United Nations , he said . He said that Indonesia is a country of law and democracy it must enforce the law and democracy . So that the people of West Papua by Indonesia wants what is known . It is important from KNPB . Go to the Police in Papua Commander stop adding troops to the areas , where the only cause of psychological distress on the West Papuan people who do not know anything , he said . Also based on the statement in a press conference this KNPB very pleased with the statement of the Governor for granting licenses to foreign journalists and foreign NGOs to go to Papua. you can see pictures in knpbnews
Posted on: Fri, 18 Oct 2013 06:45:01 +0000

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