Mind Power - William Walker Atkinson The man who wishes to be - TopicsExpress


Mind Power - William Walker Atkinson The man who wishes to be successful in his dealings with his fellow-men must surround himself with a positive mental atmosphere. He must create an atmosphere of self-reliance and positivity that will overcome the negativity of those with whom he comes in contact. This positive mental atmosphere is that subtle influence that emanates from the strong men of affairs, and which affects, influences and controls people to a greater degree than the flow of words which many affect, believing it to be the key of success. When you come in contact with one having a mental atmosphere of this kind you are affected by it, consciously and unconsciously. And if it has this effect on you in the case of other persons, why should you not reach out and possess this power yourself? Why should you not be a positive instead of a negative? The directions and exercises given in this chapter, coupled with the instruction given in other chapters of the book, should enable you to develop around yourself a most positive mental atmosphere, that will make you a power. But it all depends upon yourself—you must exercise your will and desire, just as you would do were they muscles that you wished to develop. The rule operates in the mental as well as in the physical world. In addition to the exercises given in preceding chapters, I would suggest that the following may prove useful to some of you, in special cases, in forming the positive mental atmosphere. I shall merely give you the verbal framework, and you must build around it the mental picture, which in turn produces the mental atmosphere. But, remember, even in practicing these exercises never lose sight of the main Statement of Power, I AM DYNAMIC! for that statement will impart life, vitality and energy to the other mental images and statements. Here are the statements referred to—the verbal framework around which you are to build your mental picture that you wish to materialize on the objective plane. You will find them useful in many cases: Mental Framework 1. I surround myself with an atmosphere of success. 2. I am positive. I have a strong will. I make a positive impression on those coming into my mental atmosphere. 3. I am fearless—absolutely fearless—nothing can harm me. 4. I kill out all worry and discouragement—I radiate hope, cheerfulness and good nature. I am bright, cheerful and happy, and make all around me feel the same way. 5. I am well poised, calm and self-controlled. 6. I have a perfect mastery over my temper, emotions and passions, and all recognize this to be a fact. 7. I am at ease here, and all bashfulness and timidity has departed. I am calm, at ease and feel at home. 8. People like me—I am surrounded with a mental atmosphere that causes people to like me. 9. I am master of my surroundings—nothing disturbs me—nothing affects me adversely—I am master. 10. I am surrounded with a mental atmosphere of protection. No ones adverse thoughts, currents or suggestions can penetrate this protective armor. I am safe from mental attacks. I am safe, strong and positive. google/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=mind%20power%20by%20william%20walker%20atkinson&source=web&cd=12&ved=0CGQQFjAL&url=http%3A%2F%2Fyogebooks%2Fenglish%2Fatkinson%2F1912mindpower.pdf&ei=Fg3-Us-LKaTV2QWwuYCADA&usg=AFQjCNFS-AKpDmAXZkS-Z2rPT3EvQN9BUQ
Posted on: Sat, 08 Mar 2014 12:53:15 +0000

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