Minister’s Message July 2013 My dear sisters and brothers let us - TopicsExpress


Minister’s Message July 2013 My dear sisters and brothers let us rejoice in the love of the Lord who is always faithful and always by our side ready to help us. I would like to thank all our sisters and brothers who worked very hard to organize the recent FUN Workshop held at San Jose June 14 and 15. I would also like to thank everybody who made our patronal picnic held on June 23 in honor of St Anthony a joyous and Spirit-filled event! The love we have for each other within our own fraternity and for our sisters and brothers within the Region is very evident to me. This love is the love we bear for the sake of our neighbor and for God and is the foundation of our lives as Christians, as Catholics , and as Franciscans. Let us remember, dear sisters and brothers, that love is indeed the foundation of who we are and what we do. Love is both our identity as daughters and sons of God and our charism. If God is first and foremost Love, then Love must be who we are and how we act in the world. During the course of the FUN workshop we came to understand more deeply the great insights of Franciscan theology expounded by St Bonaventure and Bl Duns Scotus, namely, that God so loved the world that He would have become man even if the Fall had not happened making Calvary necessary. God so loved the world that He chose, and chooses, to enter into it to be present among His beloved children to demonstrate His love for us – here and now, where we can experience His love and benefit from His grace as a living reality and not as a mere theory, philosophy or ideal. Therefore, as beloved daughters and sons of God and as the little sisters and brothers of Francis and Clare and Anthony, let us become “incarnate” in the world too – let us be present to family, friends and strangers alike so that we can share the love that we first received from God, from Christ, Immanuel – God–With-Us. Pax et Bonum Arturo Francisco Olivas, OFS
Posted on: Fri, 05 Jul 2013 16:20:19 +0000

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