Miracles!!! Miracles still happen today. Its a divine - TopicsExpress


Miracles!!! Miracles still happen today. Its a divine intervention for the good of humanity & to the increase of our faith. Miracles are also means intended by heaven to let the world know that Jehovah Elohim is still the only help of man & that God Almighty is omnipotent. Miracles are also then not to glorify men/men, but to direct all glory to God alone. God does miracles as it pleases Him. We cannot compel Him to do miracles when He is not willing to. He sees the things we can not see at the moment; so, He does His things in His time to our best interest--His object of great love. Not minding the popular quest & great regard for miracles without considering the biblical conditions for genuine miracles, the greatest miracle is the conversion of a person. This kind of miracle calls for great rejoicing in heaven (Luke 15:7). We seldom talk of true repentance & forsaking of sinful life, but receive your miracles!!!! That we neither think nor act as those with brains & biblical knowledge nowadays is of great concern to some of us. We call on blessing on those who have no regard for God & his things and foolishly believe that God will, like a robot, obey us. Why? We also neglect the biblical injunction that by their fruits ye shall know them(Matt 7:20), & sheepishly flock about men/women with conspicuous questionable horrible character & ungodly belief, consoling our dead conscience that God can any body... Why? This is a deadly attempt. Didnt Jesus Christ warn us of the activities of the false prophets & christs (Matt 7:15; 24:11,24)? Dont we known that the Egyptian magicians did miracles before Moses & Aaron but not with Gods power (Ex 7:11,12)? Why, then, do we run after miracles madly & blindly, considering not the lifestyle of the miracle workers? Do we think we can do this always without exposing our lives to delusions of demonic forces working relentlessly to ensure that we are doomed with them in the lake of fire prepared for the devil & his fallen angels (Matt 25:41)? Friends of Jesus Christ, miracles are not the only test of true discipleship. Repentance is very important still for one to claim Gods blessings & miracles. One need to sorrow for ones sins & turn from them. One cannot remain in perpetual immorality or fraudulent life & claim the he/she is being used of God or expect miracles in a life indolence & unrighteousness. One cannot be disobeying the plain commands of God & tell us it doesnt matter. If God keep blessing the evil men/women, of what benefit will it be to God & His people? Will the wicked use the blessings for preaching the gospel or championing satanic plans? If the servants of God cannot obey all the Commandments of God by the grace of God & teaches that they are not necessary, hes working with the rebel, satan. He meant no good to anyone. He intends to separate us from God, irrespective of his emotional displays. Beware!!!
Posted on: Thu, 09 Oct 2014 07:22:46 +0000

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