Miracles do happen!... Facinating suspense story, anyone? Ok - TopicsExpress


Miracles do happen!... Facinating suspense story, anyone? Ok then... Chapter 1 All hope was lost. Both the threatening messages, indicating my knowledge of Yanas stolen phone whereabouts( find my iPhone gave me the street address for the building in the Bronx when someone turned it on briefly) and the promise of a reward were posted on the phone. Finally, Erase all data button was pushed! A week goes by, I get a few no caller ID missed calls. When I finally get to pick up, a woman with a Bronx accent. -your number shows on this phone I found in a cab. It says you give a reward. -yes, ill give you 50 bucks -I want $100 -okay lets meet on Monday morning by the Rockefeller Center -Wheres that? I explain;) -ill call you on Monday morning She says and hangs up Chapter 2 Monday morning, no call Monday afternoon, I get a phone call from a 917 number. -Did you lose your phone? -yes Poor reception, can hardly understand what he is saying -this is Detective so-and-so from the 46th precinct in the Bronx, come and pick up your phone. sounds strange. I called back the precinct. -can I speak with the detective?give his name -we dont have anybody by this name working here. What is this all about? I tell my story. Okay he says, Ill call you back. Now its really freaky. Calls me back in a half hour. -Okay, its legit, this detective works in a different department??! The phone was found on a person arrested this morning! Chapter 3 three days later, Yana and I drive to the Bronx before going to work Ill spare you the details of dealing with the usual bureaucracy...or not. After waiting for a while for somebody just to talk to us at the police precinct, were told that the phone was sent to the Bronx court. Okay, whats another 20 Block drive. No parking? Check. Huge line of people just to get inside? Check. I stay in the car, Yana jumps through the hoops. Clerk -yes we have it, but I cant give it to you because it says the owner is unknown.(Простоквашино?! У меня вам посылка но я вам ее не отдам, у вас докУментов нет) You have to go to the police precinct. Cant help you honey -but I just came from there. They put some information in the remarks. -oh yeah I see it now. Heres your phone. Voila, happy end! PS ooh-ooh, I got to drive past the Yankee stadium;)) -
Posted on: Fri, 17 Oct 2014 04:04:32 +0000

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