Missions 1 John 2:1-4 “My dear children, I write this letter - TopicsExpress


Missions 1 John 2:1-4 “My dear children, I write this letter to you so you will not sin. But if anyone does sin, we have a helper in the presence of the Father—Jesus Christ, the One who does what is right. 2 He died in our place to take away our sins, and not only our sins but the sins of all people. 3 We can be sure that we know God if we obey His commands. 4 Anyone who says, “I know God,” but does not obey God’s commands is a liar, and the truth is not in that person.” Mark 16:15 “Jesus said to His followers, ‘Go everywhere in the world, and tell the Good News to everyone. When I say “Missions” what comes to mind? Pauls church planting journeys? Some exotic locale? Maybe some great missionary like James Elliott, or C.T. Studd? Have you ever realized that every Christian, by virtue of Mark 16:15, is a missionary? It’s a simple fact. While it is necessary to support those on the distant shores with our prayers and finances, doing so will never release us of our obligation to be missionaries here in our lives every day. Coworkers, friends, neighbors, even the person running the register at Walmart are those souls that makeup our mission field. Anytime we have one on one contact, we have an opportunity to be that “Missionary” Mark 16:15 calls us to be. That being said, what’s our message? If every Christian is called to be a missionary, surely there must be a Standard message? The Gospel, the message of Good News may well be condensed into 1 John 2:1-3. Simply put, Jesus though blameless, took our place on the cross, paying our sin debt to God , so we can once again be made right with Him. He did this for every person who ever has, or ever will, walk the Earth He created. He knew full well most would reject that offer of reconciliation but He provided it just the same. Nothing complicated there. If we are truly thankful to God for this gift, we will share this simple yet profound truth with those on our mission fields. The Harvest is ready, Are you? Let’s Pray: Lord, Your word charges us with a burden for the lost of our age. We need Your vision, Your broken heart for them. There is a world lost without You and we have the Gospel; the one thing to save them from Hell. Help us to give the Gospel to them, plant seeds, touch lives. We are surrounded by them every day. Prepare them for Your word. Give us a spirit of boldness and opportunity to share and Your vision for them. In Jesus name, Amen. Brought to you with Love by Living Witness Ministries. Please feel free to share, this as an outreach to others.
Posted on: Sat, 25 Jan 2014 03:54:29 +0000

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