Mohammed bin Abdullah Mohammed bin Abdullah bin Muttalib ( - TopicsExpress


Mohammed bin Abdullah Mohammed bin Abdullah bin Muttalib ( Prophet of Islam ) was born in Mecca has bone year of his birth as the year Phil , a story has no basis or evidence and the story goes that Abraha the Abyssinian governor of Yemen in order to Mecca to demolish the Kaaba went out by birds Alobabil to throw Bhjar of fire , this legendary story and did not receive historical support . Has been to maximize the story , like all the prophets Muhammad by Muslim historians is neutral to the extent that they gave him qualities of humans and non- Balheih his boat . Abdullah s father emigrated Muhammad to Yathrib ( Medina) and married safe and Mohammed begotten of them died in Yathrib and security, died in Yathrib . Abdullah fled to Yathrib, because his father had set out to kill him because the draw was signed by Mohammed and his mother was in Yathrib, and not in Mecca because Muhammad Brothers mother, brothers and sisters were in Yathrib . Muhammad grew up in Yathrib, and probably was born in Yathrib and not Mecca. And learning at the hands of the Jews in Yathrib inks and then learn from a cousin of his wife, Khadija . He married a woman of greater than fifteen years for her money . Alliance with the Jews in Yathrib to spread religion in the Arabian Peninsula and the elimination of his opponents - the religion of Muhammad like a religion of the Jews of the circumcision and not to eat pork and Jews marry five women and four Muslims . Mohammed alliance with the Jews for their money in the last overturn an alliance with some of the Jews . Historians wrote a biography of the Muslim prophet Muhammad bin Abdullah in the age of the Abbasids after two hundred years , and they have to change much and beautifying in front of all the people to fool people as infallible and complete that not only compares God.
Posted on: Wed, 19 Mar 2014 05:23:25 +0000

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