Moldovan delegation members turned their backs on Aurelia - TopicsExpress


Moldovan delegation members turned their backs on Aurelia Grigoriu The ombudsman of Moldova Aurelia Grigoriu, who spared no effort to provoke a scandal in the National Assembly of Armenia, spoke about her “adventures” in Yerevan. She shared her story with Azerbaijan-based portal. In an interview she admits that there was no pressure and threats voiced against her in Yerevan. “No crowds surrounded the hotel where I was staying. No one demanded that I must be punished. Armenians demanded punishment on my Facebook,” she explained. On the day of her departure, Grigoriu went downstairs to go to the airport, she said. “I went downstairs with all the participants of the conference and came up to the first car where the judge of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine was sitting. I wanted to sit down next to him, but the driver of the second car ran over to the driver of the first car, said something and the first car drove off quickly. Then I walked to the car, which took members of the Moldovan delegation. When they started lifting my bag, the driver jumped up, pulled my bag out and said that he would not take the baggage and pointed his finger at me,” she said. Aurelia Grigoriu claimed the driver pointed at her saying he would not drive her. “I was indignant at this behavior and asked him [driver] why he did not want to drive me to the airport. In response, he declared arrogantly: ‘You need to think when speaking. I’ll not drive you.’ A judge of the Constitutional Court of Moldova got into a car. I asked whether they will leave me alone in such conditions. In response, he calmly said that they will miss the plane and can not stay here. And they left,” she complained. Grigoriu refused to get to the airport because of her fear of “punishment.” As a result, the lady got in touch with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Moldova, then with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Romania, that helped her get home.
Posted on: Thu, 11 Jul 2013 14:25:49 +0000

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