Molly Mae - sweet, frightened and now on the loose!!! Molly, a - TopicsExpress


Molly Mae - sweet, frightened and now on the loose!!! Molly, a 10 month old Staffy Terrier, was discovered by one of HartSongs board members -abandoned in a field in Lincoln, CA. She had been there for a couple of weeks. Animal Control was called and after weeks of waiting, they finally showed up on the scene and were successful in capturing her. The only way to capture her, however, was to use a catch pole and while doing so, she nipped at one of the field officers - didnt make contact with any skin but because of this, she was thrown into quarantine for 10 days. 10 days later, after no one stepped forward to claim her, Molly Mae was delivered to HartSong. We set up a large, outdoor enclosure in one of the horse stalls, backed up the truck - opened the hatch and in she went. For 4 days, HartSong staff entered her enclosure, trying to befriend her but Molly Maes response was to growl, tremble and eventually wet herself - FEAR - not aggression - just FEAR! Early Sunday morning, we discovered that Molly Mae had escaped! OMG! NOW WHAT! Somehow, during the nighttime hours, she managed to climb over the 7 enclosure. Thankfully, since her escape, she has elected to stay close to the barnyard and her new best buddy, Lacy, the little blind Shetland Pony. As of today, Molly has been free for 9 days and much to our delight, she continues to hang around. She knows a good thing when she sees it AND, she is GREAT with all the other animals. She LOVES playing with the barn cats and is so well behaved when the goats and sheep are let out to graze. I think she knows there is safety in numbers and also, she enjoys the company of her new barnyard friends. We set up a place for her to bed down in a shed adjacent to Lacys paddock - complete with her kennel, toys and a huge, comfy dog bed so at least, if the weather turns cold, she can hunker down and get out of the elements. Please keep Molly in your thoughts. We know in our hearts that we will eventually win over the affections of Molly but we prefer this to happen sooner than later so anyone who might know of a way to gain her trust, please let us know. Were open for any and all suggestions. HUGE thanks to Janna Ragan(dog trainer) for all your help thus far! ...every life matters...
Posted on: Tue, 07 Oct 2014 21:08:33 +0000

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