Mom its been over a year now since God and His Angels called you - TopicsExpress


Mom its been over a year now since God and His Angels called you away and I truly believe with all thats in me, that the Angels rejoiced as you walked through those Pearly Gates that day.Even though I could feel that you were letting go,while assisting you, I still refused to believe it could be true.How could I allow myself to even Imagine saying goodbye to you?But I had to,we all had to cause God was calling you home.He needed another angel in the Heavenly choir and thats why you had to let go.I never would have imagined the end would be like that, me comforting you.Holding your hand and telling you not to worry was not an easy thing for me to do.But still, even in your weakest hour you tried to comfort me too,caressing my face, and calming my soul as only a mother can soothe and it must have tired you to do the same to all,BUT you had always been a pillar of strenght for your family,even until the very end.You were already an Angel here on earth,weve learned so very much from you.You taught us the greatest values,what matters most in be gentle,kind,honest,truthful,forgiving,to love unconditionally and how to be our very best in all that we do.You gave your all to God and your family without ever stopping to think about yourself.All those who knew you or met you,even once,could always see the greatness of the woman you were and you still are mum,in everyones heart and mind. As you promised, you are still with us watching over us all...Dad,your children,grandchildren and great grandchildren and the rest of those you held so dear...we all know,we all can feel you close by.We miss you more than these words could ever say,the pain in our hearts is from one unimaginable day,but we find comfort in feeling so grateful to God,for having given you to us as our mum.So while finding relief and comfort in knowing I will see you again someday,Ill live remembering all you taught me for my soul to continue to groom,I will walk in the same footsteps you have walked before me and make, of my life, one that would bring joy to those I leave behind when thinking of me,just like you mum.So as you sleep in the cradle of the Lord,I dream of the day when Heavens gates would open to receive me,and with your smiling face and loving eyes, reunited with you once again I will be.Just like how you welcomed and hugged my brother,your eldest son....the same youll do with the rest of your loving family.LOVE YOU AND MISS YOU BOTH SOOOOOO MUCH
Posted on: Tue, 30 Dec 2014 19:12:42 +0000

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