Monday 22nd September, 2014 My fellow Superstars? How has your - TopicsExpress


Monday 22nd September, 2014 My fellow Superstars? How has your day been? Yes, my dear friends, this is my question to you: Are you ready to pay the Price of Success? Hmn........If you desire a good life; house, car, job, and bank account, I think its unfair complaining about your condition without doing anything to deserve a better life, stop coveting other peoples successes and achievements, if you want one, fix yours by paying the price to get one! The dynamics of our environment keeps changing in complexity and frequency. A winning approach today could spell disaster tomorrow if the environment is not properly studied and understood. To earn what you desire requires movement at a pace faster than mitigating variables; like inflation, new inventions, innovations, taste, processes and cash levels. Most times the cost of what you want is escalating at a faster rate than your income generating rate due to inflation. For example if youre interested in buying a piece of land, and the plot is worth 15 million today, if your plan is to save that 15 million over a period of six months, dont be shocked that on your return, that same parcel of land is now values at about 18 to 20 million if not more. My friend its a fast economy were playing in; your opinion here doesnt really matter; its the reality. This cost escalation does apply to other things including cars, clothes, rent, education, even food. To acquire your desire and deserve your required, you must be faster than the environment, if you dont, youll suddenly end up broke. Thats why you cant afford to play and be sloppy with your career; youve got to jump on the fast lane – delivering excellence again and again. Going for straight gold that is free of corruption and decay would require you facing your reality, not hoping, wishing and just praying. I believe the Almighty has already blessed all with what we need for life and godliness, what we need to do is apply our minds, muscles and common sense to acquire the desired. What are those things you fear that you know is mitigating your prosperity and success prospects? Face your fears, confront them. Challenge them and overcome them. Are you slow, shy; lazy, given to excuses, abused, misused, and oppressed? Do you have a poor self-esteem, afraid of success or cant handle the success of others? Are you materialistic, competitive and envious? Do you have a bad habit? Poor study and reading habit, heavy drinking and smoking, partying, lounging for long and given to too much sleep? Denying all these as problems wont help you; it wont help your speed and the apprehending of your desires. Face them, confront them and overcome them. Do not disdain your tomorrow or pretend itll never come. Plan your escape from limitations today and do the dew. Plan and create a future you desire and work to deserve it. Ask for support and help where youre helpless. Where you can help it, please deal with those destructive habits that can slow you down and keep you in perpetual penury despite your hard work. Create an escape strategy, ask for help. Articulate again all you need do to succeed in your career. Its better to try and fail than not to try at all, at least youll have satisfied your conscience and nullified your doubt. Be courageous, take risks Avoid remaining stagnant or retrogressive. Avoid the company and counsel of stagnant people; none achievers, critics and cheap talkers. People who just talk and do nothing, People full of stories of failure, woes and disasters, People who will give you more than enough reasons not to move or try anything. These are scoffers, dont sit in their company stand in their assembly or walk in their counsel if you want to succeed. They are going nowhere and they want you to keep them company at their bus stops. You are going somewhere so avoid them. Whatever you have to do, do it now! Were already in the second quarter of the year, what significant accomplishment have you recorded thus far? Do something today; Do it now. Enjoy your day. Kindly join me in our Billionaires’ club today, visit this website: trevocorporate/coach/ATINUOLA and call me on 08095404556.
Posted on: Mon, 22 Sep 2014 13:35:37 +0000

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