#MondayMiraculous Today in my heart is a miraculous kind of day! - TopicsExpress


#MondayMiraculous Today in my heart is a miraculous kind of day! A couple years ago my dad died on my birthday, which is today. It has made my birthday a really sad day for me, I have not been able to celebrate it. My husband has prayed for me the last few years and this year, I felt the miraculous touch of God on my heart and soul. I heard that sweet small voice of the Holy Spirit the other day speaking into my heart a truth that I knew, but had chosen not to focus on. The Holy Spirit spoke into my spirit this healing statement: Your birthday is the day that your Dad realized the promise of His Salvation, the promise of eternal life. Your dad is not dead because He accepted Christ and was assured of a forever life with God, and your birthday is the day that Promise became a reality for him. You will see him again. He is with me. Today, It IS a day to celebrate. This is a Kingdom Perspective and when the Holy Spirit whispered it into my heart and I chose to hear it, my heart was comforted and healing saturated my soul. I was focused on worldly viewpoint, on my pain, on my separation, on my great loss, because I no longer had my dad here. My dad was a strong encourager for me, a prayer warrior for my family and always, always the wisdom of God flowed from him. My husband and I deeply respected him and he was a source of great Godly wisdom for us. There is a void in my life only God could fill and I realized that I needed to let HIM be so! So today for the first birthday in a while, I will celebrate, I will choose to see a Kingdom Perspective and let the joy of that fill my soul. It is a #MiraculousMonday youtu.be/zplX5FDDuH0
Posted on: Mon, 13 Oct 2014 13:10:01 +0000

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