Money is the Root of all Evil. An old adage that has traveled - TopicsExpress


Money is the Root of all Evil. An old adage that has traveled with humanity thru the test of time. But is it true? What does money allow us to do, the first obvious advantage is that it is a means for exchange. But how do we attain money or wealth. Money not only allows, but demands that we TAKE from someone else in order to get what we desire or need. If someone is generous with their money, chances are they have a hard time attaining wealth, or a savings for that matter. So, in order to attain wealth its a general rule of thumb to hoard, save, and take more than you give. So we have just examined this on an individual level, what about on a corporate level? Lets take health care for instance. Health care is a term that has been perverted, the common American doesnt imagine good health and well being, but instead picture health insurance, doctors offices, pills and bills. The medical community needs to profit in order to continue, so when you get a bum knee it is more profitable to sell you a steroid injection, a brace, bi-weekly examinations, and lortabs than it is to tell you to stretch 3 times a week and drink more water. And this philosophy carries all the way thru cancer and birthing. Profit is the bottom line, and that bottom line is limiting our evolution as a species. If we are more focused on profit than we are in evolving than we deserve the life that we are living. Open and Questioning eyes see past the lies.
Posted on: Sat, 22 Mar 2014 16:40:32 +0000

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