Montana ministry Friday before last I has the great privilege - TopicsExpress


Montana ministry Friday before last I has the great privilege of going on a road trip with my other beautiful daughter named Presley! We headed out about 1030 am from our home after embraces and tears with our family! Packed up in bumble bee Camaro on a mission from God! My pint sized companion was nothing less than a giant blessing! Her beautiful smile and red hair she got from momma kept me busting laughing! We talked about nothing we talked about everything! We listened to music , all kinds!!! As we danced as best we could with seatbelts on. I introduced her to the possum!!! Mr George jones himself! I keep a cd I got at a gas station one day while reminicing days back with my momma! She asked me to play it and so now shes a fan. Our first opportunity to share the gospel was 1403 miles away in Hardin Montana! Dear friends there had set up a youth night downtown! As we travelled I talked to Presley about cowboys and Indians and she couldnt wait to see a real life Indian. As we left North Dakota into Montana she seen her first Indian. She was emotional as she exclaimedty dad I seen my first Indian she wanted to know if she could talk to one or maybe hug one too!! Shes dramatic and yes my fault! Lol We rolled into Hardin 3-4 and intended on camping! This because big sister did and she wants to be just like her! With the grounds closed I gave her option of room or stay with pastor friends. She insisted on a room where we could jump bed to bed! I of course caved or complied:)! We refreshed before the first event and had authentic local Indian cuisine at Dairy Queen! Well they eat there locally I reckon. Then headed up yonder to event! God blessed that eve with word and presence! Thankful to be part of the work that others are doing there thats bringing god glory!! The next morning which was Sunday we left Hardin to billings for cowboy church meeting at 8 am. Presley sang I sang and shared msg. God connected! We left there too ft smith about Hundred miles maybe? Where there we sang and ministered! Presley asked me how to sing in front of people. I gave her some encouragement and she did awesome! She mAde $104 bucks!! Singing n selling CDs!!! Pretty sweet gig at five:)! Redneck princess who now has four pocket knives and has seen real Indians! From ft smith we high tailed it to lewistown cowboy church where she told me she wanted to song real good. She asked how do you look at people when you sing? I told her try look just above their head so it looked as if you were. She wanted me to illustrate and in turn she practiced during the drive. Once there she said Im gonna try that trick dad and she got it down! What a time there at the cowboy church. The folks everywhere received the word with gladness and of course Presley. That night we were blessed to stay in a condo. Whose? Idk but was so kind! We talked of the events of the day and how God provides. And she wanted tator soup. Fortunately we had some tators left over from dinner earlier when we got to hang with Jim and Karolyn ridgewY. I mixed em up with some milk n butter and she was set. Some kind friends there watched her Monday as I went to visit juvy. Which was awesome. Presley had been a lil congested and upon returning I told her I had some medicine. However that day she was influenced by two kind ladies who use lemon oil amd peppermint on her feet. Presley informed me my medicine was not needed. As she pulled her shoes off and began rolling these oils on her feet. Youll see video lol That night we were blessed to be part of a community fundraiser where I ministered in music. The event gave opportunity to share The Lord and we were blessed. My dear Presley told me she was proud of me. Tuesday we were talking about coming home but I mentioned the yellow stone boys and girls school. Only as option if she wanted to go. She insisted we must go and pray for those kids!! They were as joyful to see her as she was them. Presley helped lead many to Christ. Watching her absorb the reality of faith and living for The Lord is precious. We had great fellowship that night with pastor Tim and Colleen moulet as they hosted us for Chinese at a local place. Presley informed them sje could understand the Chinese ladies accent because she knew Spanish!! Quite cute! Leaving there towards home Tuesday night unfolded into some amazing privilege in itself. Wensday we woke and got back on road. We drove hours and stopped at a gas station that she swears has the best tators and gravy. She even asked to remember where it was in North Dakota so we could go back for more. Fun ensued as we talked laughed sang etc. Then that evening we got off an exit to find food. Traffic had us held up on this side road a good bit. Presley rolled down the window and was waiving at folks on a near parking lot that was packed with folks in line. She asked me why they were there. I seen a sign that declared a thanksgiving turkey noodle dinner at this church. She said yummy lets eat there. We went in to the place which had a good 500-1000 folks there. Bought our tickets and got food and set down to eat some delicious food. She began winning the hearts of folks there quickly as they inquired to who we were and where and why we were the through that way. The fellowship was great. As we began to lv two folks walked up and blessed me with $120 in offering for travel expense for ministry. I was just laughing inside with joy as I gave thanks to The Lord for his hand being seen. I told her we would get on the road but first I wanted to try get a script for my bp medicine. Unfortunately the clinic wouldnt give without a visit. I felt pretty tired from trip but not bad yet thought I should get so I agreed to let them take vitals and whatever so I could get script. My bp was 183/137 This was a great concern to them and they suggested er EKG etc. but I was confident in The Lord and after a great delay so they could monitor me until my bp dropped, I was stuck there. The doctor told me she would release me as long as Id agree to come off road for night and try rest. I told her I would get meds then a room within next hour or so. We left and got script and Presley got a Elsa doll that songs in Spanish that I wanna hide!! She tries to mimick the next 1000 miles too!! The clinic money was provided by the turkey dinner:) Pretty cool! Then 46 miles down the road my car overheated which led to more delay. Apparently I didnt tighten antifreeze cap. Got. That done and rolled off highway to get room as I agreed to do. The delays in the evening the provisions that were made were all part of a grand plan for what was next!! I thought it was inconvenience but the delay endied me up with my guitar singing to a group of five guys who god moved in their hearts! One seen me when I was checking in and thought I was mma fighter lol I laughed and said no. I told him I could whip some butt however it would go against my vocation. He asked what I did. I then told him I was a country gospel musician and soul winner for Christ. He lol and said .....well I cant say what he said. But he thought I was joking. I gave him couple CDs That was it. Until I went out to get chips for pres and I and grabbed guitar. As I was walking in the guy and his buddies were walking down step and he said thats the guy I told you of. They asked me to play a song so I played you cant get back , ole truck.,I need your grace. I shared about the songs! About choices. Etc.. The first guy I met began feeling Gods spirit and stood to express! I prayed for him and it opened the door for more All this in bout 20 minutes I asked of any others wanted prayer and we stood in circle. They had a beer in their hand amd instead of holding hands one guy had top of bottle next guy held bottom and so forth. Was a site Im sure but the Holy Ghost came down in that circle. A 21 yr old natl guard was one of them. He began talking about how he didnt believe. I told him gods a loving father that believes in him. Tears filled his eyes as he began telling me and the others he had no father in his life. God touched that soldier and he thanked me. Wants to call later he said!!! Much more w other guys Ill tell ltr. Then I held pres as she fell asleep And studied and seen through scripture an account much likely eve. No beer n bible study lol but the impact of a life that was following in faith. My bp was stroke level again The turkey dinner paid the &100 to get me in clinic and meds The car overheating delayed me But all was part of a loving father who had us in route to share Christ where we stayed. Im his and hes mine! Adversity really can be adventure! I thank God for his grace and mercy and purpose! I pray your blessed and encouraged! Nothing is a suprise to The Lord! Your super he is natural, get connected and youll be am addict!
Posted on: Mon, 03 Nov 2014 13:01:02 +0000

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