Moon sighting, fasting and Eid In a perspective. For many - TopicsExpress


Moon sighting, fasting and Eid In a perspective. For many decades, people have been disputing regarding moon sighting at the beginning of Ramadan as well as the Eid festivals. The disputes revolve around four main points: 1. Should we rely on the eye-sighting or should we depend on the astronomical caculation? What is mening of sighting ? 2. When the eye witness contradicts that of the astronomical data (i.e. the data says moon has occurred seen but no one has seen it by naked eyes, or moon is seen but data said it was not possible. What is the best course of action? 3. A time variation is practical between different places of the world, how far it could effect on the moon-sighting from one place to another? What should we do when some people report the sighting of the moon as positive whereas the others from a different district, county, or town report the sighting of the moon as negative? 4. Should the Muslims over the globe fasting on one day or they may do in diffent days? Which one we may prefer? First: Vast majority of our Shari’a scholars said that we should rely on naked eye witnesses rather than go for astronomical calculation because the Prophet (saw) unanimously said: (صوموا لرؤيته وافطروا لرؤيته وإذا غم عليكم فأكملوا العدة ثلاثين) “Fast when you see the moon and break when you see it, if it was not seen then complete 30 days”. The word (لرؤيته) does not mean any other kind of sighting other than eye-sighting. If any other sort of sighting was considerable, our Prophet (s) could have been mentioned it. This is the main cause for which vast majority of our scholar advised to consider and prefer the eye-sighting. In addition to that there are some other reasons that may be considered as supportive to that. They are: One, eye is one of five sense organs. The information we get through them is always stronger and more reliable than the other. Two, the eye-sighting is based on the suggestion revealed in the hadith of prophet (s). Three, preferring some thing doesn’t mean ignoring the other thing; as our scholars never ignore scientific findings and interference. Four, word ( صوموا) ‘you fast’ does not indicate to the people of a particular race, colour, nation nor of a geographical denomination. Therefore, wherever it’s seen, it applies to every single Muslim of the global society as long as there is one or more witnesses exist who are of mature, sane, sensible and reliable Muslims. Second: Under such a situation that astronomical data goes against the eye witness, our prominent scholars said: • Astronomical data is based on experimental knowledge and man-made system whereas the eye sighting is based on revealed knowledge as mentioned. Hence, we also mentioned that the eye-witness is considered as stronger than the scientific observation. So when the both contrast or contradict the stronger would be the preferable one. And this is what the Sharia principles (أصول شرعية) suggest. • All of the prophet’s companions did the same during the time of the Prophet (s). No one in any other place (near or far) did anything different during the time of the Prophet knowing the message that the moon has seen in Madina. We have no evidence for that except for what is understood from the statement of Ibn Abbas mentioned in the Hadith of KURAIB. And that was because the head quarter of the government was situated in Sham i.e. the northern territory of the state and no quicker way of communication was available at that time. If a powerful communication device or media was available like today, Ibn Abbas could have been able to receive the message regarding the moon sighting on time and acted accordingly. The statement when he asked KURAIB ‘when you have seen the moon in there’ clearly indicates that he was not aware of the news. So there is no chance for us to make a difference. • If you say, that the vast majority did not see the moon except some of those we don’t trust. We say, it doesn’t matter who you trust or who you don’t as long as the persons are Muslims and reliable and also other Muslim scholars and their higher authority admitted. In addition to that ‘not seeing’ is not a proof at all where there is proof of ‘seeing’ available. • People are given few knowledge out of all knowledge as Allah says:(وما أوتيتم من العلم إلا قليلا ) ‘only a few among knowledge you’ve given’. And also He says: (قل لوكان البحر مدادا لكلمات ربي لنفد البحر قبل أن تنفد كلمات ربي ولو جئنا بمثله مددا) ‘O Prophet you say, if you use the sea one after another as ink your ink will finish but you will not end up writing about the affairs of Allah in His creations’. These indicate that there are many things and knowledge we don’t know. So still we need to know more, as we still need to know about the solar systems and the movements of planets as the moon is one of them. So, the knowledge revealed from astronomical study can’t be an absolute. • Logically, if you go to prefer the astronomical data, that may result in consequences which may not be considered as beneficial for Islam at all such as: We will refer the case to man-made calculation avoiding the clear cut expression of the shariah text. If such an issue is dealt by non-Muslim authorities, people, and countries that are more powerful and are able to persuade the people to agree with their findings and discoveries through many ways which may result in unwanted consequences which we never wish. It is wise that the issue should be dealt by proper authority of reliable ulama committee of an Islamic country because the issue is Islamic, the issue is sensitive. Three: Our prominent scholars said: A claim that says time variations found for moon sighting from one place to another (اختلاف المطالع) but it could not affect the starting of the Month of Ramadan. That is because: • No text of the Sharia (Qur’an or the Sunnah) admits these variations for the fasting and Eid issues as there is no proof for that. • Both the shariah verdict and scientific findings i.e. astronomical calculations also suggests that the beginning of the moon is one and unique. There is no different starting. Once it is seen, it says I am existed regardless who has seen me and who hasn’t. There is no point saying that people of a certain country did not see the moon so they are not obliged to. Islam does not have any concern for geographical denomination as it never address when addresses any special group or nation or population. The different we see among the people are created by people and born of political norms over the history. If you still claim otherwise we would request you to know more about the issue. Otherwise creating argument for the sake of argument indicates that you just want to make a difference. Four: There was only one country at the time of Prophet Adam, and it has been divided into many hundreds. If such fragmenting due to a political effect continues, it is obvious there would be more several hundred or even thousands of states that might come to existence over the course of time. In that case, we might end up to a uncountable segments, and every one might have its own days and time for beginning and ending the fasting and celebrating the Eid, which will result in conflict amongst the Muslim nation. Our Sharia is such a system where there is no place for that (واعتصموا بحبل الله جميعا ولا تفرقوا ). Furthermore, a change in the dates to celebrate Eid or to begin fasting can only be allowed for people in a place where there is no way of quick communication available. Thus, for them, when they see the moon, they may begin fasting or celebrating Eid. • If you say that sometimes witnesses may mistake or they are not reliable, we say “if a higher authority of scholars and officials has accepted, there is no chance prevailed to do otherwise. If the mistake is proven later, we are excused as Prophet (s) said, (رفع عن أمتي الخطأ والنسيان وما استكرهوا عليه) ‘my ummah is excused for what they’ve done mistakenly, in insane and under compulsion’. Say for example, some one prayed after making assumption for Qibla and later he realised that the Qibla direction was wrong, he is not liable to repeat his prayer. Likewise, if a situation for fasting or Eid creates such a situation, we still remain free of any liability. Whatever has been done is done. Prophet (s) said: (الصوم يوم تصومون والفطر يوم تفطرون والأضحى يوم تضحون) ‘fasting starts when you do start and breaking starts when you break and Qurbani starts when you start it’. It means you are not obliged for any thing after that. So there is no reason to worry, except when you fast 28 days and stop fasting. In that case you should fast one more day to complete a month because no lunar month consists of 28 days. • Logically, anything that rotates and spins has vibrations. The earth rotates and spins, so it is obvious that its shade also vibrates. When the shade vibrates we can say that at the very beginning stage of the moon, this creates a remarkable effect. And as a result people some where of the planet may see it and people of other parts may not. There is no proof that says the astronomical calculation covers such an effect. So it might be a reason that lies behind the natural process. ((ولن تجد لسنة الله تبديلا ‘you never find any change in it’. • We never knew that any group of people, or a society of the time of Prophet s. or of the time of Sahaba have been waiting for their own sighting after they were informed of the moon sighting. • lunar month and days are not like the Gregorian calendar month and days. The first starts when the moon is seen while the seconds starts when the 24th hour ends. We should consider this fact as the vital for the non- uniformities of the opinions. • If someone said, for the sake of unity we should do it. We say, what is the harm if you unite according to the eye-witness instead of following the astronomical calculations? And by not doing so, you have dishonoured the Sharia verdict. You have announced your distrust upon the prominent scholars and highest officials involved. By this you have even breached the Qur’anic commandment: (أطيعوا الله وأطيعوا الرسول وأولى الأمر منكم ) ‘You should obey Allah and his messenger and those who are responsible amongst scholars and authorities. If you don’t it seems that you don’t want to be obedient and also seems that you are going to open a way to divide the unity of the Muslim ummah rather than you unite them; which is forbidden as Allah says: (ان الذين فرقوا دينهم وكانوا شيعا لست منهم في شيء). “Those who have segregated the Muslim ummah upon Islam, (O Prophet) you’re not amongst them”. And also He says: (ولا تكونوا كالذين تفرقوا واختلفوا من بعد ما جائتهم البينات.. don’t be like those who disputed and segregated after the clear proofs revealed.. اللهم أرنا الحق حقا وارزقنا اتباعاوأرنا الباطل باطلا وارزقنا اجتنابا Oh Allah show us the right and enable us to follow it and show us the wrong and enable us to avoid it.
Posted on: Sun, 06 Jul 2014 13:46:36 +0000

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