More hypocritical liberal rhetorical racist demagoguery from one - TopicsExpress


More hypocritical liberal rhetorical racist demagoguery from one of the chief racebaiters of the liberals perpetuating disunity and class differences based on the color of ones skin for partisan political purposes. The Tea Party represents the principles of this Country as established by Our Founding Fathers and the liberal racebaiter and his party appears then to be against all the principles this Country stands for. Liberal immigration reform is about illegal aliens and the liberal agenda to get them amnesty so in theory the illegals will vote for the liberals as well as keeping the illegals in the country thereby thru gerrymandering the liberals will manipulate the voting districts to gain more liberal control and distribution of federal funds. Amnesty should not be a reward for breaking the law.....being illegal...and those who have done so should go to the end of the line without receiving govt benefit yet giving certain credit when due for those who have long contributed to the economy. It is not racism to secure the borders and to stop illegals from entering the country especially since we are currently in a War on Terror. Immigration Control and Border Security is the Law and always has been. It just hasnt been enforced rigorously as required by law by the administration nor updated by Congress due to changing needs and times. Per the racebaiters rhetoric its all false reasoning as we say not as we do.....using race as an argument without foundation because they have no other argument. Frankly what has the liberal/democrat party done for minorities? Unemployment, poverty is high whereas all liberal programs including education and all the money spent have gotten this country nowhere in the past 50 years. Should we then whine and criticize the democrats even now as a party of racists for their past behaviors and failures in promises to minorities? Going back 50, 100 to 150 years ago it would be the democrats who would be against immigration reform based on their racist segregationist policies of all minorities then and now its even worse using the same type of demagoguery to maintain control of and empower not only the minorities but the majority as well thru the ploy of redistribution of wealth to become more dependent upon big govt to keep the liberal elitists in power and control.
Posted on: Sun, 26 Jan 2014 06:38:43 +0000

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