More than 10 years ago, I stood with Nathan Raciborski and Allan - TopicsExpress


More than 10 years ago, I stood with Nathan Raciborski and Allan Kaplan in a converted office building in North Phoenix listening to these amazing entrepreneurs explain their vision for improving the entire Internet with new technologies for video, audio and content delivery. It was a privilege to have watched them make these ideas a reality in their technology start-up, Limelight Networks, and to have had the chance to participate in the initial financing. Limelight soon thereafter became one of the most successful providers of Internet video streaming and related services in the USA, going public through Goldman Sachs. Yet through all of the excitement, none of us could have imagined what was about to happen. Shortly thereafter all of us as Limelight shareholders were subjected to this awful, needless litigation that was, in my opinion, one of the worst examples of corporate bullying I have ever seen as an entrepreneur myself. It was EIGHT YEARS!!! Of torture and pressuring by Akamai against Limelight as they used their lawyers to beat up and distract the entire Limelight organization. Today the United States Supreme Court delivered justice to Limelight in a decision that Akamai probably never believed would be possible. Let this case serve as an example to future bullies. And in the case of Nathan, Allan, Bill, and the entire Limelight team, congrats for your amazing strength and courage throughout the entire time. This case will be discussed for many years into the future and is a true modern day David vs. Goliath story that shows us Justice still has a place in our very complex new Corporate America. Congrats to everyone at Limelight!! You really did it and the message behind what you accomplished is every bit as important as the result!!!
Posted on: Tue, 03 Jun 2014 05:33:40 +0000

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