More than ever, we need senators like Ron Paul. It appears that - TopicsExpress


More than ever, we need senators like Ron Paul. It appears that the war drums--for war in Syria--are beating loudly again. It seems that the NWO Illuminati Satanic agents have decided to pursue this war through the backdoor--via their propaganda about combating ISIS or ISIL or whatever other acronym they can come up with to confuse people and to dehumanize the actual people of the country the NWO Illuminati armies wish to invade. They will murder innocents. Yet, people have been tricked, and people believe their atrocity propaganda. These ISIS militants are likely created, funded, and led by the NWO Illuminati Satanists--and if you want more information about my views on that, then just look at my last couple of posts and notes. Why would the NWO Illuminati create radical terrorist groups? They do it to achieve just what they are seem to be achieving: namely, to make citizens believe that it is necessary to go fight fight terror. Citizens believe the propaganda, and thus begin believing that they are heroes if they join the NWO Illuminati armies (hiding under the name US army and Royal Navy and French Army and so forth). Citizens begin to believe the propaganda and to feel that they are doing the right thing when they wish to go to war and destroy other countries, murder innocent people, and imprison and murder the good leaders who are actually opposing the NWO Illuminati agenda. It is the wrong thing for citizens to go along with the NWO Illuminati, and they wouldnt do it if they just knew what was going on. But, they dont know what is going on, because it is purposely hidden from them. Instead, they are given a totally distorted view of reality. The NWO Illuminati Satanists have turned our values upside down, and now most citizens accept (and some even seem to embrace) the fact that we are involved in continual wars. I will just tell you: our armies are not the good guys, but are agents of evil. They are NOT heroes at all. Of course, many individual soldiers are innocent of the evil, I think--if they do their best not to partake of the evil. And, many were misled, also. They had good intentions, I think. However, the main problem is not a problem of their intentions, but is a problem of being able to distinguish the Truth from the Lies. The problem is that people believe these fables, and they accept them as justifications for war. I realize more and more that those who hold such warmongering views, in some ways, cannot help it. I must be forgiving of them, too--because they really may think they are doing the manly thing by wishing to fight for democracy and many women may think they are doing the womanly thing by continually cheering on and supporting and thanking the armies. A constant barrage of propaganda has been flooded over the land, so I guess very few have been able to see past all the lies. They dont realize that there are secretive networks of very shrewd people, behind the scenes, who tightly control nearly all the media and politics, and who also create hordes of crazy conspiracy theories to discredit those who are trying to expose the real conspiracies (or covert activities by secret societies and satanic agents) which are destroying our morality and destroying our land. These Satanists who are doing these things dont wear dark, Gothic clothes and grow long black dyed hair and long fingernails and wear black shirts with pentagrams. Instead, many of them wear suits and ties and uniforms (including freemason uniforms) to awe and confuse the people with their aura of authority and power. They are at the head of secret societies, too. They have trained those under them to give them unconditional obediance; thus, they are a highly organized force for evil. Anyway, if there are radical terrorists--and it all isnt just a humongous psy-op (psychological operation meant to trick and manipulate the people)--then let the police forces of the countries deal with the terrorists. But, instead, the NWO Illuminati Satanists need an acceptable excuse to continue their wars so they can continue to install their banks and money printing agencies and military bases. They are evil geniuses who know that the public can be manipulated with attrocity propaganda and scaremongering, and then peer pressure each other into engaging in wars as a manly activity. And, many woman, clapping and cheering on the sidelines, are just as guilty. Yet, there is complete forgiveness for ALL of these when they truly repent and try to turn from their ways. That was a message Christ taught. Anyway, I realize that many people who hold warmongering views think they are being strong and conservative and manly, and they think they are defending Christians and others who are being persecuted. But, in reality, such otherwise decent people (who continually hold and express warmongering views) are being manipulated to do just what the NWO Illuminati Satanists want them to do: to fund and engage in the wars decided upon in back rooms by the NWO Illuminati Satanists (and their tools). And, few people seem to have the discernment to recognize these things or the courage to speak out. Again, I forgive those who hold such warmongering views, and I realize that in a way, they almost couldnt help holding such views, considering the fact for decades a constant media barrage has been poured out upon them. They believed the lies. They did not question it. Anyway, I feel that if the NWO Illuminati forces go into Syria (supposedly to combat ISIS or ISIL or whatever), they will ultimately kill or imprison Assad. I think this is one of their main objectives. Yet, Assad is a good man; and anyone who watches his speeches--the speeches or interviews he has given in English--can tell that he is a good man. I do hope, if nothing else, you will try to go to YouTube and find some interviews that Assad has done in English. I think this is a Christian duty to hear BOTH sides of the story--and a duty of all good people, whether Christian or not. The fact that the media has demonized Assad ought to give evidence as to who the real bad guys are. Let me just say that it is not Assad and his army who are the bad guys. They are trying to police their own country, and they are trying to oppose the activities of the real terrorists. So, go figure who the real bad guys are--let me just say that it is those countries who have continually been involved in wars for the last hundred years or more (hmm...that is getting close to home). Anyway, it is highly unlikely ISIS groups cannot just pop up out of thin air without MAJOR funding, and I believe the NWO Illuminati Satanic Money Printers have no problem funding such things, once they have been given a monopoly of money printing. I believe the NWO Illuminati Satanists are leading these terrorists groups and funding them--and probably with our money. And, yet, they pin the blame on radical Islam so that we will attack entire countries rather than deal with individual terrorists--or rather, let each country deal with their own terrorists without our armies invading them. In the end, if Assad is destroyed, the NWO Illuminati armies (hiding under the name US Army and UK Army and French Army like they hide under the name Federal Reserve) will probably try to destroy Assad in such a way to make it appear that the Syrian Rebels suddenly became successful against Assad and his government forces. I dont know what will happen, but these are some of the outcomes I suspect. Of course, I hope that our congress will reverse course and defund these foreign wars and foreign activities in other countries. I hope Assad will remain living and thriving on the face of the Earth. And, I hope the NWO Illuminati Satanists will repent of their actions and stop lying and tricking people. In they case that they repent, it is our duty to forgive them. Anyway, Ron Paul courageously fought against the NWO Illuminati schemes for many years--and he still does fight against them today. He was and is an honest and sincere man, and is extremely intelligent. This speech of his--which I have posted before--is classic. It applies just as much today. Of course, I disagree with Ron Paul in a few minor areas. For example, sometimes I think that Ron Paul tends to view government as the enemy, and the elimination of government as the answer. But, I tend to view EVIL GOVERNMENT as the enemy, and the installation of GOOD GOVERNMENT as the solution. Also, I no longer see the GOLD Standard as the ultimate solution, although it would be much better than our present system of free money printing. But, the NWO Illuminati already controls nearly all the gold of the world. So, to oppose their schemes, we would need to develop an honest system of printing money--and, then in time, once we had rectified the imbalances created by the NWO Illuminati, we might could devise a system of money based on honest exchange of metals. I am not certain. I know it is a very complex problem. And, I am totally convinced in the sincerity and intelligence of Ron Paul, so I know that in these few areas in which I disagree with him, my disagreement is that small type that might exist between two friends who happen to see things differently in some small area, but who are still totally confident in the integrity of the other person and in the friendship of the other person. And, there are so many things that I agree with Ron Paul on. I think he is one of the most honest and intelligent and sincere men that America has ever produced. He is a hero (and so is Jim Traficant, Cynthia McKinney, and Dennis Kucinich). But, these congressmen were made (by an intentionally manipulative media) to look like crazy men and women. But, you should go to YouTube and try to hear THEIR side of the story, from their own mouths. Then, you will truly be a truthseeker. And, I think there are a few other congressmen who showed integrity, and who opposed these wars--no matter how many of their fellow congressmen voted for them. I sincerely thank all of them, and I forgive those who were not able to see through the lies. Anyway, I will now give you the classic speech of Ron Paul--which I assume was spoken in the presence of his fellow congressmen. I thank him for his integrity, and I agree with all of those who think have stated: RON PAUL, THE GREATEST PRESIDENT AMERICA NEVER
Posted on: Fri, 19 Sep 2014 22:42:01 +0000

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