Morning Everyone, Hope you are all well and not too dissuaded - TopicsExpress


Morning Everyone, Hope you are all well and not too dissuaded by this colder weather. Obviously the colder air is inevitable but what a great Summer weve had, really cant complain. Plus of course, we can now start thinking about lovely warm food - not all bad, every season has got SOMETHING to offer - including Toad in the Hole, mashed potato, cabbage, bit of gravy...mmmm! On the subject of seasons, we are moving away from the Autumn range and slowly towards the Winter flavours, so out goes Autumn Cider and Pork with Wild Mushroom, back comes Gluten Free Honey Roast, Pork & Apple and Royal Garlic. We will have the more festive flavours in a fortnight which will include Pork & Chestnut, Pork & Cranberry and Pork with Apricot, plus perhaps one or two others including, maybe, Moroccan (thanks to the unrelenting pressure from a certain Fudge Producer - I mention no names!) This weekend we are at Darlington on Saturday and THE LAST VISIT to Stewart Park for the year on Sunday (next month theyve decided to have a frost fair on the same day as Saltburn Farmers Market and then shut for the winter). The full list of available flavours this week are: Gluten Free Honey Roast, Best Pork, Cleveland, Romany, Royal Garlic, Tomato & Oregano, Pork & Apple, Chilli Garlic, Bacon & Leek and Harissa. We have a few racks of ribs, four hocks, smoked and unsmoked bacon and some kidneys. Ive been asked for a couple of Haggis by a very good customer ready for next weekend i.e. 23rd & 24th. Haggis take about a week to make from scratch, so please, if you would like one, please let me know ASAP (I was only going to do a small batch and wouldnt mind a couple for myself). Just quickly on that point, as most of you already know, we process the pigs through the week - the mixes are all made by Wednesday and are stuffed by Thursday - if you want a specific flavour we need to know the proceeding week (unless its a regular flavour) and if you want Burgers or sausage meat in any significant quantity, please let us know by Wednesday so that we can avoid the sausage meat being pushed into sausages - I dont like disappointing anyone but obviously its hard to undo stages once theyve taken place. Finally and on an altogether much brighter note, Im very pleased to announce that after a year long apprenticeship our Daughter, Emma will be joining the business full time upon completion of her final assessment later today. Im sure we all wish her the best. Hope to see some of you at the weekend. All the best, Dave
Posted on: Tue, 12 Nov 2013 09:45:07 +0000

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