Morning Inspiration with Pastor Merritt There are going to be - TopicsExpress


Morning Inspiration with Pastor Merritt There are going to be times where we are going to be pressed to defend what we believe and to defend why we believe it. You are going to run into people who are recalcitrant, argumentative, stubborn, ridiculing, and agitating. You’ve got to remember in those times that you are not trying to win an argument; you are trying to win a heart. There simply isn’t any need to get angry with a blind man who cannot see. Why get into a fight with a deaf man who cannot hear? Why battle with a lame man who cannot walk? It is the same way that we minister to people who have failures in their life – who fall short of what they ought to be – who do things they shouldn’t do. Listen to this statement. “Brothers, if someone is caught in a sin, you who are spiritual should restore him gently. But watch yourself, or you also may be tempted. Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.”(Galatians 6:1-2) This passage is not referring to an unbeliever who is living in unbroken sin, but this is a believer who has been broken by sin. The Bible says we are to restore these kind of people gently. The word “restore” is a surgeon’s term that refers to the setting of a broken bone or a dislocated joint. When a doctor sets a broken bone he tries to do it gently, tenderly, and softly. We really do have a tendency to be so judgmental of others and so condemning of others. Our first reaction so many times when somebody fails is to point our finger. If you have a Spirit of gentleness the first thing you will say to yourself is this, “Except for the grace of God that would be me.” One of the biggest problems the church has had for two-thousand years is we shoot our own soldiers and kill our own wounded. We ought to confront sin and especially should we confront sin in the church, but we ought to do it lovingly, compassionately, and gently. Share this with a friend. Give them the gift of Gods inspiration. #Christian #Jesus #Faith #Church
Posted on: Wed, 15 Jan 2014 13:28:41 +0000

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