Morning, It is another beautiful day! Today I decided I am going - TopicsExpress


Morning, It is another beautiful day! Today I decided I am going to tell you things we probably should have talked about a long time ago. We and the many other friends we had growing up were not coincidental people we happened to run across. I call them divine appointments. Divine mainly because GOD is very aware of them and often initiates them or guides us to them. Funny. One day I will tell you some of what happened to me or you, like many others, you will think it is just nonsense lol. You see there are consequences to our actions and as you already know it is very, very frustrating not knowing or understanding what part of my decisions affect me and how they will affect those around me. GOD JUST TELL ME! Ever said that lol. I have and many others have. HE actually gives us the tools to understand these things in HIS word. The problem is that we are in the flesh and dont desire HIS word. Being in the flesh is bad enough but what I usually say is we choose to exist in the flesh. A state of being. As the statement suggests it is a choice and also implies we can choose not to exist in the flesh. Not existing in the flesh is existing in a spiritual realm. Be careful what that realm is though. Anyway, to exist in the Spirit is a process that involves destroying or beating the flesh down. In 1 Corinthians 9:27 Paul describes making the flesh submit to his will and feeding the Spirit making it stronger than the flesh he is living in. In practical terms you CAN NOT live a successful CHRISTIAN life not feeding the Spirit. I actually sat down to send an email to my Pastor to start a class on successful Christian living or Christian Essentials. Because this society teaches us that we are basically all the same. Some more spiritual than others. I am convinced that if people experienced what I experienced when I was dead they would kill themselves to get there! something usually happens that we can not explain and we could not believe that GOD had anything to do with that begins a process in us. Result: we drift away from GOD. At first we do not notice we are drifting. Not drifting but going the opposite direction is a walk of faith. That walk of faith requires taking a step towards GOD but drifting away from GOD requires nothing more than not taking that step towards GOD! As people drift and being surrounded by other drifters they begin to feel what was once a bunch of pain & frustration is not so bad afterall because look, theres others just like me! Pretty soon we have all kinds of new and improved religions lol. That is a historical fact, by the way. In reality if GOD had no interest in our lives HE would not have sent HIS one and only son to die for us. Yes, for you, me, our sometimes selfish wives and our beautiful children that HE gave us personally. Yep, gave to us. It is hard sometimes to see what I call golden nuggets GOD has laid down in our path when we are so focused on ourselves but HE says I stand high (the upper story) and look low (the lower story). Funny thing though, it takes faith to see those golden nuggets and trust that HE is a rewarder of those that bend down (by faith) and pick them up. The more we pick up though, the more the loving GOD of heaven sees you (the picker upper) and places more nuggets down and more and more and more. A secret: in time those nuggets will eventually lead to HIS feet! Hebrews 11:1 says without faith it is impossible to please HIM. Yet HIS desire is to see HIS children fulfilling their desires (in HIM). HE knows us better than we know ourselves and HE loves us more than we love ourselves but when we wake up, by HIS power, we treat HIM like HE is just the man upstairs. Go to HIM in secret and tell HIM how you feel. The truth! LORD I am hurting, I am confused and sometimes I do not believe! LORD help me in my unbelief when people around me are doing bad things but getting blessed! HELP ME JESUS! Then wait for HIM to answer. Yes, wait! HE who is a rewarder of those who diligently seek HIM. HE will hear your call and answer you! That is a promise.
Posted on: Fri, 28 Mar 2014 16:33:50 +0000

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