Morning Reminder: Sunday. 22nd day of Safar. Advent of Prophet - TopicsExpress


Morning Reminder: Sunday. 22nd day of Safar. Advent of Prophet Muhammad(SallAllahu alaihi wasallam). Bismillahir Rahmaanir Raheem. The advent of Prophet Muhammad (SallAllahu alaihi wasallam) did not bring a new religion or a new way of life as some people claim. On the contrary, the prophet Muhammad (SallAllahu alaihi wasallam) confirmed the life and message of all the previous prophets and messengers, both through his personal conducts, and through the divine revelation that he received from the almighty God. If you want the truth about previous Messengers from God from Aadam to Jesus Christ Peace be upon them, find yourself a Quran to read. This sacred scripture that Muhammad (Peace be upon him) brought is called Al-Qur’an. It means that which is recited because Muhammad (Peace be upon him) did not write the Qur’an. He did not author the Qur’an. Nobody came and helped him to write it and nobody collaborated with him to help. But the angel Gabriel recited to him from the Almighty God and almighty God made his heart a receptacle of that. Just like a satellite dish, is a receptive of waves and gives you the TV image. The prophet Muhammad’s heart was a receptacle of revelations and we have this Qur’an that has been preserved for over fourteen hundred years without a change of a dot. It is the last and final testament from the Almighty God. Is there any other book in the world that you know of that has been preserved as it was revealed without changing even a dot? No book! Only the Qur’an. Don’t take my world for it. Go to the library and read what the encyclopaedia Britannica or any other universal encyclopaedia of the world that has not been written by non Muslims, read what it says about Islam, the Qur’an and Muhammad PBUH. Then you will accept that what I am saying is universally documented and clear. That Muhammad (Peace be upon him) is the most profound individual in the history of humanity. Profound why? Search for yourself what non Muslim historians says about this great Messenger of God to mankind, jinnkind and animalkind. We ask Allah to protect our faith and guide all misguided colleagues due to ignorance back to Islam the only truth and way to paradise. Aameen.
Posted on: Sun, 14 Dec 2014 11:21:42 +0000

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