Morning all! Had a great evening with my mentor. Lots of really - TopicsExpress


Morning all! Had a great evening with my mentor. Lots of really interesting links coming up this week. Id like to start today by sharing a testimonial from one of our customers. It follows on from the link I posted regarding diabetes. As always please remember we dont say this is scientific proof JP is a miracle cure, just other peoples personal experiences that we like to share. I was diagnosed with type one diabetes at the age of 15, the doctors told me that it had being lying dormant in my DNA but stress had triggered it to become active. At the time I was playing roller hockey for Great Briton, I was fit and believed to be healthy, to hear this news was a shock to me to be normal one day and then having to rely on injections for the rest of my life this drove me into a four year stage of refusing to believe that this had happened to me. I couldn’t understand why I wasn’t your stereotypical diabetic I ate right, exercised and trained hard. Before I knew it I was off to university where of course I didn’t take care of my health at all, drank too much, I didn’t eat the right foods, at my worst I was nine and half stone, I was malnourished my body was under extreme pressure to keep functioning. My HBA1C which is a 6 month average of your body sugars were so bad the machine couldn’t even read it. But still I wouldn’t listen to the doctors, they were saying if I carry on this way I will have serious complications such as loss of eye sight, loss of feeling in my hands and feet, increase risk to strokes, heart attacks and heart disease so it was safe to say I was in the danger zone and might not see my 30th birthday. I left university and started to eat a healthy diet again and wanted to build muscle and train like I used to which I couldn’t at uni, this spurred me on to try and deal with my diabetes but still I was in denial about having it and saw it as a hindrance on my life, my blood sugars were still all over the place they would be too high then too low I spent my time reacting to the sugar spikes instead of understanding what was making them happen and dealing with that to ensure the spikes didn’t happen By this time my eyes had got worse I was 24 years old when I was told I was close to laser surgery and I needed to get a grip of this before it gets worse. My girlfriend had started Juice Plus at this time and she said it would be great for my weight training, but the stubborn man I am I didn’t listen, it took Amy a year to convince me to try it, so I did and saw great results in my physical appearance, I felt more energetic I had a more positive attitude towards my whole life. I then went back to the eye specialist for another check-up which I was dreading to be told my eyes had stop deteriorating they were on the mend, I was blown away the specialist didn’t know why just said keep doing what you’re doing. I racked my brain to think what could have caused this, the only thing I had changed was taking Juice Plus. I looked into the reason why this could have happened and found Juice Plus repairs your body at a cellular level which lead to my body having what it needed to repair my blood vessels in my eyes. My HBA1C is now readable on the machine which was amazing!!!! I couldn’t believe that out of pure coincidence I had actually started to look after my diabetes. Due to the product helping to curve craving in other words curve blood sugar spikes I found it easier to control my sugars on a daily basis. I wanted to eat a healthier diet because I was so happy with the results I wanted to continue seeing them. My whole mind set had changed in turn my whole life had a positive up lift, my family were happy to see me healthy I couldn’t believe how selfish I had been to not see the impact of my poor control had been on them. And now I want to share my story with everyone to make sure no other person with diabetes could miss out on this chance to help change their lives. I am now 25 years old I’ve been on the products for 6 months and have never had blood sugar levels this good for the 10 years I’ve been diabetic.
Posted on: Sun, 16 Mar 2014 08:04:46 +0000

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