Most Americans are in the dark about what has been done by - TopicsExpress


Most Americans are in the dark about what has been done by Congress and the State legislatures over the past 110 years. Our practical ability to exercise community self-defense in America was seriously undermined by Congress with the inception of the Dick Law of 1903 (Militia Act of 1903), which legislatively rescinded and replaced State statutes, rules, and regulations, and manipulated other federal and State laws to conform to subsequent federal Militia acts over the past 110 years. A serious misnomer in the 1916 Militia Act was the creation of “the unorganized militia of the United States,” an oxymoron. The militia laws also replaced State National Guards under the constitutional provisions of Congress to “raise and support Armies,” rather than “organizing, arming, and disciplining the Militia.” CHSA Chapters will be started across America to work together to correct this problem legislatively in every State. Our first step is reeducation, then organization. Learn more at and https://facebook/
Posted on: Mon, 28 Oct 2013 01:44:35 +0000

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