Most Debilitating: Running Ah running... the most widely - TopicsExpress


Most Debilitating: Running Ah running... the most widely practiced physical activity in the world with nearly two billion people jiggling their way to a body only a mother could love. From those staggering numbers its confirmed that we, as an industry, have failed the general gluten-free cupcake eating public. Lets be honest, in 2014, its pretty damn hard to make CrossFit look like the less shitty alternative to an unsafe and ineffective form of training. Though CrossFit is gaining ground, the overall numbers dont lie. For every one bandwagoning CrossFitter flopping around on the pull-up bar, there are 800 people consciously working their way towards metabolic syndrome accompanied by a total knee replacement, one painful step at a time. I dont know about your country, but the American infrastructure wasnt designed to withstand this kind of punishment. The streets deserve better. In an attempt to save our roadways and orthopedic health, lets take a deeper look into how running has continued to do absolutely nothing to eradicate the American obesity epidemic while adding to the ever-rising orthopedic dysfunction and injury rates plaguing our questionable medical system. Running has single-handedly made the presence of pain the norm in an American society thats struggling to be active. Up to 80% of runners are in pain on any given run, no matter the distance, intensity, or course. If you accept this statistic as part of the game, youre just as much to blame as Phil Knight and the injury rainmakers over at Nike. Time to question your own beliefs and help evolve our poorly educated society, one runner at a time. An ideal running stride is as rare as the thousand-pound squat. Just because you can run doesnt mean you should. Without the ability to achieve proper biomechanics, your running is a ticking time bomb waiting to explode. Would you squat if you couldnt keep from drawing attention from you atrocious form? I think not.
Posted on: Thu, 25 Sep 2014 21:15:51 +0000

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