Most grandparent stories about their perfect grandchild are - TopicsExpress


Most grandparent stories about their perfect grandchild are boring......But since mine are so beautiful and smart, mine are refreshing. So with that said I got a story on Dilen. I get to baby sit with him one or two days a week for Megan and its a real joy to have HER little again. (He acts just like her and she like her dad .But yet hes his own person).) But I digress. We have a fridge that has water and ice in the door. Now Dilen, being the natural I want to see that . Oh Man!!! realized the other day he could reach the buttons that operate them. So Dilen, me and pawpaw Bill were in the kitchen when all of a sudden I hear Maw maw ! and a gasp for air. I panicked until I saw what he had one. He had pushed the water button and got a real good snoot full of ice water. I started laughing (cause Im stupid that way) and so did Dilen. His shirt was wet, his hair was wet, the floor was wet and still he grinned all over that beautiful face. New dry shirt, a soft towel to wipe away the water and he was off. Dragging the high chair across the floor yelling for his lunch. Hes my joy and my pride and truly a real BOY. Thank you Megan and Justin for having him and thank you my Father in heaven for letting me be maw maw to Dilen.
Posted on: Wed, 08 Oct 2014 02:12:48 +0000

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