Most men struggle because our fathers never taught us how to - TopicsExpress


Most men struggle because our fathers never taught us how to connect emotionally with a woman or calm an upset child after a long day at work. We know exactly what to do at the office, but often feel overwhelmed at home. So we either take the my way or highway approach and alienate our kids or just check out. Kirk doesnt like us to promote our new products on our Facebook page, but I (Brett) overruled him on this one because I get calls every day from women who wish their husbands would just try a new approach and be calm, confident leaders. There are a lot of angry kids out there who wish their dads werent so dismissive. Kirk and his son, Casey, created a special CD for men titled, I Want to Be A Good Dad & Husband. Its phenomenal. Ive been listening to it daily on my iPod--just good, simple strategies I use everyday. Here are a couple examples from todays FREE newsletter. Kirk can tell your husbands things that you cant: Q: How do I make my wife feel valued and important? The next time your wife walks into the living room, close your laptop, look your wife in the eyes and listen to her like you did when you were dating. Then just say, I can see why that would make you feel so frustrated. Q: What do I do when my wife gets emotional and creates drama? Try this. I can see why that situation would concern you. What are some of our options for dealing with this? You may ask, Is there something we can do so that you dont feel so overwhelmed? In most cases, all she really wants is for you to acknowledge that her fears are legitimate... instead of dismissing them and saying she is overreacting. Thats just you being immature! Q: How can I let incorrect statements go without proving my point? To read this answer and more, sign up for the free newsletter at CelebrateCalm or email me at Brett@CelebrateCalm with the word MEN in the subject line and Ill sign you up. You can call me anytime at 888-506-1871. We have a special sale on the new CD for men in time for Fathers Day. Men listen to other men. Ill post the link in a comment below. Families change when Dads change.
Posted on: Thu, 12 Jun 2014 15:20:59 +0000

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