Most of the time, most of the people are caught up in the thrall - TopicsExpress


Most of the time, most of the people are caught up in the thrall of the performance. Some few know that there is no real meaning or purpose to any of it besides what one can learn, concerning the truth of its meaninglessness and lack of purpose, as anything other than an example. One can learn all there is to be learned about the movement of life by sitting at the seashore and watching the waves come in and go out. All over the world, the same timeless dramas and interplays of a million years continue. Those who have will go to any lengths to continue to have. Those who do not have will go to any lengths to acquire. People fall in love, sometimes under impossible circumstances and they suffer that special agony that all lovers know. Every love affair that has ever been is only a shadow dance upon a wall, mimicking the one true love affair that spans all time, distance and circumstance. People chase after wealth and power and both of these are parodies of real wealth and real power. Every one of these comi-tragic dances serve no other purpose than to show that they are not what they are advertised to be. “So what! I want it and I want it now!” Yes… there is purpose to life and there is meaning to life but that is something one must discover if… the passion to do so, exceeds the passion to do anything else. All of our losses and traumas are designed to bring us to that place. Lucky are they who get there sooner rather than later. How does one wrap their head around the reality of there being but one reason to be here? How does one achieve firmness and resolve in a world where appetite and the relentless magnetism of the material are seemingly all powerful? How does one maintain the unshakeable conviction for service to others in a world where self service is supreme; especially in a world where one can play that role in a public way and never need to actually to accomplish anything remotely like it? Les Visible
Posted on: Mon, 14 Jul 2014 18:33:18 +0000

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