Most of you Montreal friends will be sitting down in front of the - TopicsExpress


Most of you Montreal friends will be sitting down in front of the TV tonight watching Hockey Night in Canada biting your fingernails over game 7. Im sure youll be sharing the agony with family, friends, a case of two four and something mouthwatering from Lasalle Drive In. However during the evening I would like you to spare a thought for the endurance test that is Hockey Night in Little Bealings. Tonight will be my eleventh night of this now marathon ritual. Games dont start here in the U.K until after midnight. Jayne sleeps at the other end of the house to avoid having expletives wake her up. The menu consists of a bowl of cereal and 2 cups of coffee per period and during the breaks I practice waltz and tango steps (dont ask) to help stay awake. By the time the 3rd period has started have stripped down to underpants and a Habs tee shirt (that used to fit me when I was 20 pounds lighter) have also found blanket. This is in anticipation of imminent narcolepsy that occurs 30 seconds after the end of the game. Frightening I here you say! Well the mornings are worse!! I wake up late for work, no time for a shower. Everyday is now a bad hair day and the middle-aged, semi balding Christopher Lloyd look is not helped by the vicious downlighters in the offfice. Looking down doesnt help either as im invariably wearing odd socks. Everything I do is now on Canadian time. I eat, drink and perform most other bodily functions 5 hours later then usual. Its like the worst jet lag ever. I started off a hockey fan and have ended up a complete insomniac and am borderline psychotic! Actually the fact that I can rant like this may already be proof that im too far gone! However one upside! Went to dance class on Monday night and my waltz and tango have improved beyond belief! So I appeal to all Canadians players....please guys finish off Boston tonight and for my sake sweep New York in four. This is KILLING ME. GO HABS!
Posted on: Wed, 14 May 2014 21:06:04 +0000

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