Most of you have heard that I am forming a referral group of - TopicsExpress


Most of you have heard that I am forming a referral group of professional health and fitness providers. I want to call it “The Health-Care Hub” but will listen to ideas as well. I am sending this out to only 11 people. CCd is Arthur Kaliel a real pro at networking and I respectfully request his guidance in the early stages of this group. (Surprise Arthur!) This idea came to me when I was referred to a shoulder specialist,. I may seem critical but stay with me. I walked into his office to find a time machine had taken me back to 1973. Orange shag, plaid wool chairs etc… When I checked in with reception I noticed no computer. The intake was being done with an IBM “Seletric” typewriter. I thought, “Does this Dr. have any current training or equipment?” Needless to say his equipment, technique, etc.. were all as dated as his plaid bow tie and comb-over. You want to refer your patients to people you like and trust, but more so, professionals who value their patients and provide the best quality and technology available. For example; you wouldn’t hire a blind interior decorator, an obese personal trainer, or a relic like Brett Favre to be your quarterback, would you? Then why refer patients to those providers who do not live up to your standards? As health-care and fitness providers you all wear many hats. 1. Practitioner first 2. Office manager sometimes, depends on budget and practice 3. Marketer when you need more patients Let’s work together to put all the pieces together. As a group we are able to help each other refer, market, operate and stick to our core mission of patient care. This includes people like me. While I am not a physician, nutritionist, dentist or a personal trainer etc, I can help you with marketing and finding relationships. The MD can refer business to the rehab Dr., the personal trainer can refer a person to a clinical weight program prior to training or something like that. Additionally, I have some ideas to help increase our footprint exponentially. Things like a blog talk radio program, featuring our practitioners and guest speakers. I will be the talk-show host (You know what a ham I am) So, I propose a meeting to brainstorm the idea. You are the top professionals I know and you know others who would like to join the brainstorm. I will host a meeting at my recreation center in Carmel Valley on Saturday, August, 3rd. Art can help us refine it if I give him a coupon for good Greek food! Please reply with a yes or no and I will plan the meeting after I get enough yes replies. BTW-A new endeavor is attached in the form of my business card from Sorrento Valley Pain Relief Center. I also already created a facebook page for The Health-Care Hub. https://facebook/pages/The-Health-Care-Hub-Health-and-Fitness-Networking/142007492664759 Regards,
Posted on: Wed, 17 Jul 2013 14:58:25 +0000

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