Most of you who know me pretty well will realize that this song - TopicsExpress


Most of you who know me pretty well will realize that this song pretty much sums up my life. Theres a part in the first verse that had me crying my eyes out like a baby. He says I took a swing at my best friend for trying to take my keys that night. not many people know the real story but the night I wrecked my motorcycle I had way too much to drink. Me and Ricky and some other friends had been riding all day and when we got back to Rickys place I decided I was going to ride home. he told me not to go he knew I had had way too much to drink and he wouldnt be there with me to know that I was ok. After arguing back and forth I looked at him and told him youre not my dad and Im a grown ass man and Ill do what I want. he responded with thats fine its not worth fighting you over youre too drunk but do what you want. It wasnt until after he died that someone reminded me all this had happened. I know Ricky was taking it hard when i wrecked but we were boys I just thought he was worried about me. Then it hit me one day that he maybe felt like he could have done something more to stop me . Once I realized this it was already too late to tell him that it wasnt his fault. I was as stubborn as they come and I wouldnt listen to nobody we all know that. All the times me and him road together he never said I was too bad to ride I should have listened to him. If I could go back and change one thing I would just tell him that it wasnt his fault but just like everything else in my life theres no rewind button. If theres one message I want to get a crossed here its that life is a precious thing and very short and you never know when youre going to take your last breath so take the time and tell your loved ones how much they mean to you and never take one day for granted. And you never know when that friend or loved one wont be here anymore so appreciate the time you have with them cuz I know I would give anything to have one more day out riding on the open road with my boy. R.I.P. (R.L.P.)
Posted on: Thu, 20 Nov 2014 02:32:40 +0000

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