Most parents get excited when their baby first hold their head up - TopicsExpress


Most parents get excited when their baby first hold their head up with out support Josiah was doing that at two weeks or try to pull themselves up on their own or holding there balance ...Josiah was doing that at three months. Everything you think your baby should be doing later on in their growth my baby did way earlier! And I dont say this to brag I say this because my baby was born with brachial plexus palsy in his right arm. The Brachial plexus nerves provide movement and feeling to the arm, hand, and fingers. Palsy means weakness, and brachial plexus birth palsy causes arm weakness and loss of motion. One or two of every 1,000 babies have this condition. It is often caused when an infants neck is stretched to the side during a difficult delivery. So if you could only imagine having a NORMAL nine month pregnancy just for the doctor to screw up your babys arm!! (Yes were suing) So all the SIMPLE things my baby should be doing like crawling, using both hands to feed himself, etc, he has difficulty doing! I dont think you know how hard it is sometimes having to handle the stress of hoping everything will turn out ok in the end. Sometimes I just cry and blame myself. But you know what keeps me going???... JOSIAH!! He is one of the toughest, and smartest babies I have ever known! Really! Days when I think the worst he over comes ANOTHER obstacle. I work with him everyday! And everyday he does something new to amaze me! I tell yall this little boy has changed my life! I wouldnt change ANYTHING about him because I know he will be fully healed and have is testimony! Because he sure is my leaving testimony! I posted this video because after his minor procedure his arm was so weak he didnt want to use it... But look! My baby is holding his bottle!!!! Sorry for the rant! MOMMY IS PROUD!
Posted on: Wed, 17 Sep 2014 23:39:21 +0000

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