Mother’s Day, though not a Chinese tradition, more and more - TopicsExpress


Mother’s Day, though not a Chinese tradition, more and more Chinese have been celebrating it. For the past 25 years, this special day has been a particular difficult and sad time for the Tiananmen Mothers, a group of parents and relatives of massacre victims -- not just theyre acutely reminded of their childrens horrible deaths and their long road to seek justice, it’s also the time when they come under even closer watch and more harassment by police. They’re even banned from visiting their loved ones’ graves. Last year five parents passed away and so far a father has committed suicide. Ding Zilin, one of the founders of the Tiananmen Mothers, has been even banned from returning home in Beijing with her husband since she went traveling in Eastern China. Their son Jiang Jielian died from bullet wounds on the night of June 3, 1989. He was a 17-year-old high school student. Earlier that night Ding tried very hard to stop him from leaving home, he struggled and got out of the door, saying students in the square needed his help. He never returned home. Ding, a 77-year-old university professor, lost her job and came under close police watch as she started to compile a “death list” since then. So far there’re only some 200 people on the list, the death toll must be much higher. I know that because my friend Wang Qiong, a 19-year-old science freshman is not on it. More on Ding and Jiang ( Hong Kong’s most popular newspaper has been publishing a brilliant series on the massacre’s 25th anniversary. Below I translated a story about one of the Tiananmen mothers. I had to pause a few times to stop crying. Many thanks to Tibet Truth for publishing it today: tibettruth/2014/05/13/25-years-of-heartache-for-tiananmen-mother/ We were granted permission from the Apple Daily reporter who took the risk to visit the Tiananmen mother in Beijing to report her story and who has to remain anonymous (original story with a video and pics of the victim and her mother on this link (also in the 1st paragraph of my translation): --Rose Tang, a Tiananmen Massacre survivor and administrator of Free Liu-Xiaobo
Posted on: Tue, 13 May 2014 21:27:30 +0000

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