Mountain Lake Camper’s Association 7/21/13 Meeting Pledge of - TopicsExpress


Mountain Lake Camper’s Association 7/21/13 Meeting Pledge of Allegiance led by Sue Hornbeck. The minutes for the 8/19/12 meeting were read and accepted. Thank you from the membership to Sue Hornbeck for the hard work she did on the Christmas in July dip dinner. There were 26 people in attendance. $72.00 was collected for the dinner, $9.65 for the Bingo and &76.00 for the raffle. A total of $157.65 was raised. Treasurer report : $7,670.05 checking 623.77 Dam fund 1,103.00 savings Membership : There are currently 26 paid members and 12 dam fund donations. Board of Directors: No new locks will be handed out for this year, the locks used last year will be used again this year. Keys for the locks for the 2014 year will be handed out when the membership is paid. Dan McCane will be in charge of the keys. We lost 2 board members last year, Tony Andriola and Jim Hornbeck. The membership will be electing new board members this year. Gary Shrivogel is recuperating from surgery. Get well soon Gary. We will try to get the sign for the notice of our dinners and meetings from Gary, if possible. Announcements: Some items were reported stolen this past winter. Boats and ladders were among the items. The grates over the spillway at the dam were also taken. Please make sure to secure valuable items as best as you can. Motion was made to elect 2 new board members at the August meeting. Also being elected at the Aug meeting will be Secretary, Treasurer and Membership. Mr McCloskey has put in a claim for property that are right of ways. Discussion was held concerning this subject. Thank you from Karen Andriola to all for their well wishes to her for her loss. There will be a special Association meeting in the future to remember Tony in a special way. The August meeting needs donations for the raffle. Please send donations to Claudia Stewart. A complaint was received about the lake level being too high this year. The lake was high because of the large storm we had last fall. There is just so much that can be done if there is too much rain. Motion to adjourn and seconded. August meeting is Aug. 17th Dip Dinner/raffle and Aug. 18th General meeting and elections. Submitted by Deb Clarkson, Secretary
Posted on: Wed, 31 Jul 2013 14:12:30 +0000

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