Move to PART 2 and Id advice us to Pray about it. - TopicsExpress


Move to PART 2 and Id advice us to Pray about it. Amen. Bitterness causes double-vision, one eye on the problem and the other those who caused the problem. Bitterness takes away the creative power in human beings. It brings totally confusion. Embrace your problems and face it with faith. Sometimes as I said it may cost you something to face, but when theres no understanding it finds hard to get it in all this. Belittle your trouble to overcome it. If Satan foolishly rejoice over you, speak to the devil positively, thats when he gets mad. 1) Positionate for battle. 2) Have a good mental attitude. First need to position for the battle to face, but with positive minded, and then seeking for trouble, concentrate your problem whos your adversary. Read Philippians 3:13-14 and compare to your own. Success comes through pressing on. Be yourself unlooking to others. Most people face discouragement and inferiority complex by comparing themselves with other people, and who have their different destination. Some are developers of jealousy, being jealous of someones progress. And this is all hinderance and distractions from the attention in pressing on. The achievements of people be a source of encouragement and not discouragement. Once time my story was that I was so jealous with my friend who had a great progress of school so on that time I wasnt so lucky to reach to his level as I desired but I did not know that his destination was not mine, and his own wasnt mine so this has made me to be insecured and imprepared so I can understand what mental distruction causes. Think beyond your value, not thinking how valueless and worthless youd because of being self-sorpressed by people. Do not be intimated of anything that makes you less, be a courageous, think your opposer, world is a challenge, the clock keeps his rounding the lancet. Let your problem comes but fix on your goal. Do not share you weaknesses all over the town, be like Jesus who focused and determined of the goal. Those people who want to be prayed uninteresting the gospel Id call to a person a prayer collector. The the church worker whos so busy minding the duty and forgetting to pray and listening messages from the Altar of Many Colours, and who takes prayer as an obligation for passing time, for one person that does not is considered vain before the Lord. Then retire Christian who has forgotten his post, who has non-remembered brain and then comes to the church and play the role of the church saying Holy Ghost or unholy ghost! making mockery of faith, and some who gets annoyed with the pastors or leaders, brethren, this is what I called fool-minded. many of them have lost their salvation unknowing it. They pass judgement over to pastors who some believe, proudly word of them! not ours!, such things is losing the salvation of Christ Jesus. Do not be like unfaithful Sarah who was at initial time a bit unfaithful, but be faithful in all things that comes and non come. Remember David, Joseph, Daniel, 3 Hebrew men, Nehemiah, Nelson Mandela, Jesus the King? Then whats the point of crying? Crying statemently Oh, God why me???? is the cry of cowards. Do you want to be a coward? Come on, face your time, your trouble and youll laugh at last, you will smile and say God than you!. When you accuse God, you made God an enemy. No matter what no would mean to you as long as you darely dared to accuse your Creator. I tell you no one can help you even your wasteful negative confession to an heathen or a witch, or a cruel being. Rather they will be happy and be a curser unto you. Do you know meaning of OH GOD WHY ME?? its a question that derives as plural questions. In the sense you thinkingly know that this as some extent God would accept a complain. No he wont that, he wants you that this may cause a miracle to you. So let it not be again Oh God why me? and all those senseless questions that prives to offenses. Sing a common song I know I can make it!. I KNOW I CAN MAKE IT I KNOW THAT I CAN STAND, NO MATTER WHAT COME MY WAY MY LIFE IS IN YOUR HANDS! (From a popular singer) Brethren this is why people must be a learner not always a praiser. Praising can be good as acceptance but if its not taking this in the heart, the praises reaches anywhere. The book which I took, I employed quite an hour, copy, and he know scanned on my mind and sharing. if its not worked then itll be a waste for me, but God will judge it. It can not be a waste for Gods Judgement, get it. Sometimes going for training may cause hinderances. Id not have you as an illitrate and incapacitated of understanding but its to be truthful in Gods Word. The richest book is reading peoples life, knowledge and pointing areas that touches and creating a book. Create, formulate, and Innovate. Create a phrase, formulate the words, and innovate generality. Wisdom comes from the understanding Knowledge.
Posted on: Mon, 10 Mar 2014 11:52:03 +0000

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