Mr Rahul, please do not rub salt into the wounds of the - TopicsExpress


Mr Rahul, please do not rub salt into the wounds of the Muslims Aziz Burney Mr Rahul, nowadays a new face is emerging from your speech but nonetheless, the facts In the light of which you are talking are worthy to be taken seriously because there is cannot be two opinions about the fact that your grandmother and your father were killed in terrorist attacks but that you have pointed to the threat of your life is very worrying as there is no precedent of any communal attack on any member of your family. If you do have a threat from the communal forces and if you have information regarding this then it is another matter. Communalism is extremely harmful in the kind of politics is being played in the country. And the basic reason for the growth of terrorism is communalism. But this politics of communalism is very useful for the Congress to come to power, to form the next government and maintaining hope. The assassination of Indira Gandhi was done by her own security guards with whom you used to play badminton. Religious frenzy was not the reason for the assassination. And when we talk of communalism, the Hindu communal forces are the biggest threat to the country. And if we take the American proganda into account, Muslims have always been linked to terrorism. But Indra Gandhi government wanted to suppress the demand of Khalistan or Bhindranwale was believed to be a product of Indira Gandhi and she who promoted him and then he was killed during the Operation Goldenn Temple. Definitely, you and the country lost a great poltical personality in Indira Gandhi but the persecuation of Sikhs after her assassination is a black chapter in the history. They had protested against your father’s statement that when a big tree falls, the earth shakes and they still remember it. Despite your government giving them two Sikh Prime Ministers, it appears that their wounds have not healed. Therefore, your statement that you may also be killed and you face a threat from the communal forces is a cause for concern for us. Today I am putting forward some personal points with reference to the statement. I have had a very close relationship with the general secretary of your party Digvijay Singh and perhaps still have. I have used the word ‘perhaps’ because I have not met your talked to him for a long period. But a year and a half ago I had told him that I perceive a threat to Rahul’s life. You are very close to him and so convey my feelings to him and ask him to be on guard. Beaking the security ring and mixing with the masses may be an act of courage but it also involves great risk. Who causes this risk and why is for him and his team think. Since now his party is in power, he might have got the information so I have nothing more to say in this connection. But talking about the person whom I feel surrounded by threats from communal forces is my top priority and it is because reports reaching you with reference to Muslims are far removed from truth and misleading. You can try to find out the truth if you have some other sources other than the government sauces who pose threat to your life and why. But the fact is that you could not find out why you faced such humiliating defeat in Bihar and Uttar Pradesh despite your hard work. Definitely, the communal forces were not behind your defeat. But you will never be able to know this truth. It is very difficult and even if you find it out, the complexities of politics will not allow you to believe in it. And even if you believed it, political compulsions will hold back your steps and you yourself will be compelled to falsify the truth. However, it is your personal matter. I thought it necessary to explain your statement that you have lost your grandmother and your father and you feel the pain and that you face a threat from the communal forces because we indeed have a threat from thye communal forces, our country faces a threat from the communal forces. We have lost many people and have seen the destruction of our houses due to communalism. This has been going on for the last 67 years. Sardar Vallab Bhai did not pose a threat to Pundit Jawahar Lal Nehru or to the Nehru clan. Please go through Maulana Abul Kalam Azad’s book India Wins Freedom. Your grandmothers father Jawahar Lal Nehru was the prime minister of the country and Muslims were killed like cats and dogs. This has been written by him in his book. Communalism had taken birth before the Partition but this book gives an account of the persecution of Muslims after independence. I personally like you very much and see an image of the future of the country in your young blemish-free face. But with great regret, I have to akcnowlege that your statement in connection with Muzaffar Nagar has hurt me deeply and also gave a setback to the hopes that have been associated with you. Which officer of which intelligence agency of the country gave you in put t hat some of the affected Muslims of Mazaffar Nagar are in touch with the ISI of Pakistan? You need to do an inquiry into whether these reports are based on truth or a part of the modus operandi of the communal and Sangh elements in the bureaucracy, intelligence agencies and police who try to tarnish the image of the Muslims. You are being seen as the expected prime minister of India. If the report reached you, it was expected from you that you will not make it public. It would have been better if you had tried to find out the truth of the report. If a certain individual was really in touch with the Isi, this should have been restricted to that individual. The way you spoke this with reference to the riot-victims is akin to rubbing salt into their wounds. Perhaps you are not aware of the history of Muzaffar Nagar. Eminent religious scholar Maulana Ashraf Ali Thanvi was from a village Thana Bhavan of Muzaffar Nagar district. The Battle of Shamli was fought by Maulana Muhammad Mazhar, Maulana Rashid Ahmad Gangohi, Maulana Qasim Nanatawi, Hafiz Zamin Shahi, Maulana Rehmatullah Kairanvi, Maulana Munir Nanatawi etc under the leadership of Maulana Imdadullah Muhajir Makki, Perhaps you are not also aware of the fact that the Syed-Pathan alliance fought the battle of Shamli in 1857 and freed Shamli from the British rule. Mohar Singh of Thana Bhawan also participated in the battle. This was during the time when the whole country was under the British rule. But the patriots of India and the fighters of Muzaffar Nagar fought against the British and captured Shamli showing to the whole country that though the British had the army and the whole of the country is the slave of the British but their heart and mind is not slave. We can fight the British unarmed and free the Shamli tehseel of Muzaffar Nagar from them. It is another matter that the British recaptured Shamli after some time. But this is not less heartening that at a time when the whole country was slave of the British, the Muslims of Muzaffar Nagar had the spirit of freedom in their hearts and turned the spirit into reality and set a precedence before the nation by freeing a small part of Muzaffar Nagar from the British rule even if for a short period of time. Perhaps those fighting for the freedom of India in the later days got the inspiration from this incident that if this miracle can be worked in Muzaffar Nagar why not in the whole of India. I also have the history of Azamgarh in mind which had got freedom before the freedom of the country. But since I am speaking with reference to your statement on Muzaffar Nagar I will restrict my writing to that only. We are thankful for your visit there. You said that you saw Hindu and Muslims die there but not a neta. Actually, you went there and the media saw you and the country saw what the media saw. Did you peep into their hearts and tried to realize why this catastrophe befell them and why were they forced to live in relief camps. Did any intelligence agency tell you how the Jats entered the Muslim houses and did what is difficult for me to express in words. If a girl is raped in a moving bus, the whole world shudders but imagine how many walls might have shuddered in Muzaffar Nagar. Did you ask your cabinet minister Ajit Singh who belongs to the Muzaffar Nagar area why he did not try to end this bloody game and restore the relationship of love as his father Chaudhary Charan Singh became the chief minister of UP and the Prime Minister of the country thanks to the votes of the Muslims of this region? Mr Rahul, this is an age of politics. So play politics. You have the advantage of a face which we hate the most but please do not create a situation before us when we are compelled to think that on the one hand there is a person who has inflicted wounds on us and on the other there is a person who rubs salt into our wounds. Perhaps you do not realize what effect this statement of yours will have on the Muslims of this country. Some of your officers told you that some riot victim of Muzaffar Nagar is in touch with the ISA agent and you included it in your speech. You forgot that this sentence of yours may put a question mark on the loyalty of the Muslims of the whole of India. I politely request you to eat your words and try to understand the truth. These are the communal forces which you had said you had a threat from. An agent of these forces put his words into your mouth and you put the lives of crores of patriotic Muslims in danger with this sentence. Read Azizulhind news in URDU and HINDI azizulhind epaper.azizulhind/ epaper.azizulhind/index.php?newsId=2213
Posted on: Sat, 26 Oct 2013 07:48:11 +0000

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