Mt 4:19 “And he saith unto them, Follow me, and I will make you - TopicsExpress


Mt 4:19 “And he saith unto them, Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men”. There are many so to speak fishermen/women “who wet a line” and never catch a fish. This generation could benefit from a little “tackle box theology”. Experienced fishermen fill their tackle box with every type of bait that is known to attract the species of fish that they are fishing for. There are some fish such as catfish and carp who are bottom feeders and they will nibble at about any thing that is thrown into the water. But fish of different varieties require different baits and different methods. If the fishermen wishes to achieve success in catching fish they must have the bait fish are biting. Many Christian fishermen/women insist on throwing out the same old half rotten foul smelling chicken liver that they have always used every time they have gone fishing. If anyone suggest the use of a new bait they accuse them of compromising the art of fishing. When Jesus taught his disciples how to fish his first lesson was on the use of the proper bait to catch the fish of your choice. 1Sa 2:26 “And the child Samuel grew on, and was in favor both with the LORD, and also with men”. Lk 2:52 “And Jesus increased in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and man”. The dynamics of Kingdom growth are are found in these two scriptural passages. Kingdom growth is always a result of finding favor both with God and man. The result of having favor with God and man brought the power of the Holy Spirit into the early church. Acts 2:46 “And they, continuing daily with one accord in the temple, and breaking bread from house to house, did eat their meat with gladness and singleness of heart, 47 Praising God, and “having favor with all the people”. And the Lord added to the church daily such as should be saved”. If the Lord is not adding to our churches such as should be saved we need to check the bait we are fishing with. Many churches are still fishing with the rotting stinky chicken liver religious bait that they have thrown in the waters for generations (at the people). The rotting stinky chicken liver religious bait has worked for decades and it will not work now. Many churches have resigned themselves to the fact that there is a falling away when in reality the bait they are using is driving the fish away. Ministers need to stop confusing the message with the method. The message has been, is and always be sacred and unchangeable. The method is not sacred. What people relate to in one generate is often considered unacceptable in the next generation. When country music began to be mixed with gospel music church goers who believed in stinky rotten chicken liver bait were outraged that people were using the new bait of worldly country music to lure people into coming to church. Now those same people who accepted worldly country music have turned it into the same rotten chicken liver religion which they had previously followed. Music is a tool, a bait used to attract those who we are fishing for. Different musical styles have always been used to bring both blessings and cursings to the church and then individual. The style of music is not sacred the message of the music brings is what is sacred. When we reject, offer continual criticism, demean and demonize a generation and their music how can we expect to influence them. There is not a single scripture in the entire word of God which insinuates that one style of music has preeminence of any other style of music when it comes to worship. Music style is a preference not a commandment so lets not try to make it one. I do not fancy oriental music styles but if I were a missionary there I would certainly expect to be able to worship with heir style of music. Come on church u cant influence and have favor with what u vehemently oppose. The purity and absoluteness of the WORD must never be compromised. Music and worship is different. Whatever style suits your fancy is acceptable as long as it leads to the recognition of the Lordship of Jesus Christ and induces people to worship him. Just tired of the same old rotten chicken liver religious bait which does nothing but foul up the atmosphere of the church and drive people away from God rather than draw them to Jesus Christ. How about u are catching any fish? If not, maybe u should change your bait. TCJCB Shalom ~hg~
Posted on: Sun, 18 Aug 2013 22:34:59 +0000

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