Much prayers going up for this Holy Remnant Army. We have - TopicsExpress


Much prayers going up for this Holy Remnant Army. We have nothing to fear because Jesus is leading us. He loves us. He allows many things to happen so that we can stumble and we can fall and we can learn and endure so we are able to lead others to Him. Jesus knows in advance of all that we will go through and He knows the options that each of us will be faced with and the outcome of the choices we will have that we make based on how we use our free will. There is much love between us all here. An unexpected love. Like all of a sudden we have these people on facebook of all places that we really and truly love and care about and feel connected to sometimes even more than our own relatives or real life friends. So many are talking about this connection with so much joy. We cannot explain this connection but Jesus can because He is the one making this happen. We are like sisters and brothers all of a sudden in a literal way and we will have hick ups and get annoyed and have tiffs and Jesus knows this.. We are so many thousands now and Jesus is building this army to millions or maybe He said billions, Im not sure, but anyway, He knows how to keep the peace with a force this size. All we have to do is be obedient and follow His directives through Maria. Love one another and love all people with the light of God in our eyes beaming from us and bring others to His Truth. We are all prompted by these terrible impure spirits that work to cause bad thoughts about one another, to cause each one of us at one time or the other to feel like a meany pants. I told a priest off once in defense of the messages and felt like a pile of dog ducky afterwards and had to confess that. Then Jesus gave the messages almost back to back, do not defend My Messages, remain silent and the other Pray for My Sacred Servants. I was sad but accepted my behavior as not of God and felt His judgement and correction upon me while reading those Messages. I became small and felt ashamed. Tried to contact that Priest but of course he had already blocked me. This type of behavior drives people away from the Messages. My point of telling you all this is because, we are all winging it and doing the best we can to follow everything Jesus and God and Mary are asking of us because we do not want to disappoint them. We are all passionate about this mission and feel so humbled and honored to have been called to it of all the people in the world. While doing tremendous work for the Kingdom of Heaven and Our Father, we are all learning how to do this and we are all falling and picking ourselves up and others are helping us to get back up. We are all in this together. We have to know in advance that we will fall and we all need each other to help one another get back up. That is why Jesus has connected us and made us feel so close to one another. Even if we dont respond on every post, we know that we are always watching and keeping and eye on each others posts to help if needed and we all know that Jesus and God are speaking in all of our hearts and that we all have so much to share as to what is happening to our lives and the people around us. We are all keeping watch on the world events and keeping one another informed and showing where a message and prophecy Jesus gives Maria is fulfilled and we are helping others to know what to look for and bringing them to the messages. We are all working hard and together although miles apart. Jesus has formed this Net, this connection and we owe all of this to Him and need to really, really sincerely thank Him and God for giving us this. We could never make it through this mission and all that will unfold in our lifetimes, without each other. This is a great gift and we need to cherish it, guard and protect it and never take it or each other for granted. God Bless us all +
Posted on: Sat, 18 Jan 2014 23:35:31 +0000

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