Much warfare needs to take place in order for Me to have you press - TopicsExpress


Much warfare needs to take place in order for Me to have you press through into the realm I’ve ordained for you to enter. Each level of breakthrough takes much warfare to achieve. Much hindrance comes to obstruct vision and to cause sidetracking, but you must be determined to press through the gates and to accomplish My goal through your intercession. Yes, much warfare takes place to achieve each level of breakthrough. As you can see now you are really struggling to receive of Me because there is much opposition coming against you trying to hinder. Take authority right now and cast it off in My name. The enemy is right at hand ready to devour your spiritual gifting as it is about to be birthed. You need to keep it covered by My blood and keep it preserved by faith. Keep pressing in for I am preparing you spiritually to give birth to the vision I’ve given you. I placed in your heart an army of intercessors who are worshippers who seek day and night My face. Their meat is My tears for they long to carry the burden of My heart. They long to press through the gates and to dwell in My intimacy ever knowing My heart cry and constantly releasing the travail of My heart. Yes, into high praises they come into My inner courts they dwell and the burning within their heart is My love for the lost. Yes, they will release My deep travail of heart as a roar. The roar of the Lion of Judah anointing will come forth and it will pull down the strongholds and it will release the hold on the captive spirits-those who I have died for. They will be drawn to My love for the powers of darkness will be repelled and nothing will be there to hold them back. Their eyes will be open to Truth. Their hearts will be open to My love and they will come willingly. Yes, revival is imminent. It is My will and where two or more agree upon anything, it will be done by your Father in heaven. So, keep pressing through. Never lose hold on truth, on vision, on breakthrough. Never lose hope. Keep pressing in by faith and your heart will be fulfilled with the accomplishment of My will being done. Yes, you long for deep worship where My Spirit is truly free to move among My people. Yes, judgment begins in the house of God for I am deeply troubled. I am grieved with the control manifesting in My Church. I need to be able to be truly trusted in My Body. I need to be trusted that My Spirit can move in the spirit of unity, love and order. All performance-based acceptance must go. All dignified spirits must go. All that holds My people back must go. I decree freedom upon My Church. Let My people go is the heart cry of the true prophets. Let My people go or judgment will fall upon the leaders. I will bring the pastors to their knees in repentance for holding back the flow of My Spirit and for hindering My mission in this earth. No more playing church. No more programs and missions outside of My will. If My people who are called by My name would humble themselves and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, I will heal their land. If My people who are called by My name all over the world would seek My face and love Me with their whole heart, soul and being and love their neighbor as themselves. If they would only seek Me as if I was their only life source, for I am, I would heal their land. If My people would only join together and seek Me and love Me first above all things and let go of all distractions, I would come and meet with them. I would pour out My anointing upon them as the latter rain. I would bring conviction and repentance and revival and bring the multitudes into My camp. All the distractions and deception must cease. All the wasted energy on the programs of man must cease. Simplicity of vision and lifestyle and a returning back to the basics must take place. All the busyness and worldliness must cease for I will deal harshly with My people. I will shake My church to wake them up out of their slumber and delusion for the time is at hand to move in My will and not man’s. Time is short! Wake up, Church. Be wise as serpents and harmless as doves for the enemy goes about as a lion seeking all who he can devour. Do all now while you can while it is light for soon darkness will spread as a blanket. My true overcomers will be caught away because they were watchful and made themselves ready to escape the coming tribulation, which will judge My Church. For I have been patient and long suffering with My people but My Spirit is grieved and I will pour out My wrath for My will cannot be hindered like this perpetually. There will come a ceasing to all obstruction to My will. I will remove out of office those who are hindering and will replace with My true overcomers who know that there is nothing else that matters except to seek My face for I have created My people to delight in My presence and for Me to enjoy them, and I can’t do this the way I’ve ordained with the spiritual state of the church at hand. Wake up, Church, and cast off all that would hinder you and be united and seek My face, says the Lord. Keep your balance in all things. Seek wisdom and knowledge and stir up your gifts and arise above the circumstances and stand on My promises. Quit striving. Let go and let Me reign in your lives. Rest in Me and I will take care of your every need for I am your Heavenly Father and I take care of My own. I say quit striving to accomplish all the works, and the programs, and all the projects. If you would just seek My face and My righteousness, all these things will be added unto you, and that is all the needs of the Church. Just rest in Me for it is My Body and I am the head and I am in control. Just trust Me and yield to My will. Be not as Martha being consumed with all the things that look like they need to be done but be like Mary being consumed with My presence, being at My side, seeking My heart and My perfect will. Keep things simple and cease striving and rest in Me, says the Lord. Trust Me and yield to My will for it is all My program and I am the one who ordained it, orchestrates it, and will accomplish it in My timing and in My way, says the Lord. My word to you, Church, is for you to obey and let Me be God and quit being a hindrance to Me for this is a solemn word to you and I cannot stress that enough. Just quit striving and give it all to Me and rest and I will remove what isn’t of Me and create My programs through you that will best accomplish My will through you. Give all to Me and start anew. What is truly of Me will stand and what isn’t will be removed. I want My order and My will in My Church. Are you afraid to give Me your all? Are you afraid to trust Me? Don’t you feel I am capable to run My Church? There is too much that is not of Me in the camp. For I am God and I will have My way in this hour for time is short and I have a lot to accomplish through you but you must be totally yielded, My people. I say again. Let go of all that would obstruct My vision. Get back to the basics to seek My face and My will. Prepare your hearts to turn over everything to Me. Take your true position in Me, put on your armor and begin to march with one goal, one focus, one vision to pursue My holiness, My intimacy, My love and to break through the gates, pull down strongholds and let My river flow!
Posted on: Wed, 04 Sep 2013 14:43:21 +0000

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