Mum question: have two children, one is 2 and a half and the - TopicsExpress


Mum question: have two children, one is 2 and a half and the other is 10 months. I have been finding myself getting really stressed and angry lately and taking it out on my son when he does even the smallest thing; (not putting his shoes on when I ask, pushing away his breakfast after Ive prepared it for him - to name but a few). My behaviour and reactions are worrying me as I dont want to be the yelling, smacking mother. I realised how bad I was on Monday when I was getting ready for work and got up from feeding the baby and my son flinched really badly and ran away and hid from me crying. Please help!! I dont know how to turn this around, to not be so angry and to stop lashing out. Its not healthy for any of us, I dont want my son to be scared of me and I dont want him to learn my terrible behaviour. Pinky says: Hugs - angry is awful but it sounds as though you are pretty stressed -managing 2 littlies and work is a LOT! We underestimate how hard it is when we are in the middle of it. Is there a possibility you could have PND? It can come on slowly over the first year. Also, how are you caring for you? Yelling is often a sign that our own emotional tanks are empty or that we are tired and run down. Id suggest having a health check - thyroid, iron levels and vitamin D. Then ask your GP for a mental health plan and referral to a psychologist who will help you with support and strategies that are specific for your situation. Also consider your lifestyle stress - what can you delete or delegate? What can you postpone to give yourself a break and relieve pressure? Meanwhile try to put some fun in your day - slow down over the weekend, hugs, a game, stay in the present and just be with your little one.
Posted on: Fri, 17 Jan 2014 05:00:00 +0000

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