Muslims in America and Europe say discrimination against them has - TopicsExpress


Muslims in America and Europe say discrimination against them has seemed more pronounced after the Islamic State terrorists beheaded American and British journalists and aid workers. Hate-filled remarks on social media have also become more prevalent, especially since 9/11, when Facebook and Twitter did not yet exist. For starters, there is no such word as Islamophobia. A word created to shut up any debate about Islam. Secondly, it is not because of the attacks on the Journalists, or any other attacks by ISIS, that Muhammadians are feeling they are being discriminated against. It is more and more people are becoming aware of the violence contained within Islam. Thirdly, it is not discrimination they are feeling it is the extra scrutiny being put on their religion as a result of the more educated we all become. More and more difficult questions does not mean discrimination. -kg-
Posted on: Mon, 10 Nov 2014 16:04:23 +0000

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